Granny, Nana, and Ty came to see us at Oma and Opa's house for Christmas eve. In my family we grew up with the tradition of celebrating that evening, rather then Christmas morning.

So we started the night with a big Christmas feast. My mom made my Oma's traditional German meal, "Schwein Braten Saur Craut und Knödel" Which is a Pork Roast, Dumplings, and Saur Craut.

My dad pulled out the bubbles for Holly to play with while we were chatting and cleaning up. She loves the bubbles, and knows she has to ask Opa for them.

Everyone wanted to see Opa's train room, since we didn't have a train "under the tree" per say, we thought it would be festive to check it out. Holly loves the train and could watch it for a long time.

It is such a cool mountain town, but Granny wasn't holding onto Holly tight enough and there was a Hollzilla who caused a train wreck, it got a little derailed when she grabbed the engine off the track "ooops"

There was a huge pile of presents all around the tree. For the most park Holly has been leaving them alone, but now that she knows there is stuff inside, she tries to open The "Left overs"

Here is Holly with her Great Grandmother Bertha, who joined us for Christmas Eve. It was amazing that she sat still long enough for me to take her picture, what a sweetie!

Then we started to open presents. We gave Bertha one to open, so Holly could watch and get the hang of things. She was very intent and curious about what was going on.

We got this set of Train DVD's for my dad, I think he liked them, at least I knew he didn't already have the, so that was a good thing.

The first present, Holly needed help opening. Tanta Kat was happy to oblige, her and Opa were the little tree elves handing out all the presents, and this one was from Tanta Kat.

This is the Yo Gabba Gabba Viking Bath Set. From the "Going on A Boat Ride" episode, one of Holly's favorite, and since she loves the water and baths so much, this will be such a fun and great toy.

This was sort of a theme this Christmas, and before you knew it Holly was unwrapping presents all on her own. She caught on really easy, and was very excited to see what was inside each one.

It is a lot of work to open so many presents though, most of that whole table was for Holly. So she took a little break for a Yogurt Juice, which Granny was happy to help out with.

This was a huge surprise, my dad was able to keep it secret from even my sister. it is a new camera, she had been saying she did and didn't want one, but she needed one, hers was 10 years old.

She was so excited and Happy with it. Next Holly opened up this box. Kat had been taunting her with it all week. You see, when you dropped it on the floor it started to bounce up and down.

Finally she got to open it and see what was inside and she was every so surprised and happy to see her Gabba Friends, Brobee, Muno, and Toodee. The Silly heads, wiggle and bounce when you tap them.

Bouncey Bounce Toodee was her favorite of course and she immediately began to chase her all across the house. Tanta Kat wanted her to open more presents, but she was pretty occupied.

So Tanta Kat decided to open another present of her own. This one was Wooden hanging chimes. They make such a pretty sound, very different from metal ones.

But soon Holly was back up on Mommy's chair and she had another present in her lap and was ready to open it. She needed help finding an edge to get herself started but once she did she got the tearing thing just fine.

Rip, Rip Rip, Tear, Tear, Tear off went the many layers of wrapping, Tanta Kat did a really good job of it to make sure that there was a lot of paper for her to take off.

Holly was so good at unwrapping presents that she helped everyone. She unwrapped several of Mamma's, I got a lot of really cool cloths, some Capris pants, and several tops, I am excited about my new wardrobe.

Bertha got some new cloths too, well a Snuggie, anyway. She is always cold, so now she has a Blanket with sleeves! I have one from years ago called a Slanket@!

Mizar and Pyro got Ruth's puppy Onyx a Christmas present too, a new doggie bed. She really liked it. Daddy got to open presents too.

From my parent's he got this cool milk frother, it is to make the yummy crema on top of the espresso's. It will be fun to play with when we get back home.

Here the little one is unwrapping yet another present. She got Brobee Pajama's and Tshirt, she got a set of Gabba figurines, Gabba Mega Blocks.. Can you see the theme here?

Here is my cute little elf, she is so excited watching Holly unwrap. She totally gets Christmas, we were afraid she would still be too young and not understand, but she totally does.

She got several very cool Puzzles from Oma, we love them all. This was one I almost bought myself, so I am glad I didn't. Joel loved it because he wants Holly to learn how to read real time.

This is a game, the Plex "Clean It up" game, there are little disks that somehow go into a trash can, and Plex it like a Slot Machine, you push his arm and the icons spin and one gets chosen and you match them.

She did really liked the paper too. It was shiny and crinkly, reflective and fun. Plus she knew that once she got it all off the box she would get to see the cool new toy inside.

This was one of her favorite gifts, a Muno Guitar. I was really excited about this one because when we play Rock Band she always wants to use the guitar, but now will have one of her own.

We decided to save half of the presents for Christmas morning, we didn't want to totally overwhelm her and also wanted to give her a chance to play with all the new toys she already got. She was so happy.