Monday - Today Holly had her Ultrasound at Children's Hospital in Oakland. Her Doctor was worried that her hips might not be socketed correctly because she gets a slight resistance or clicking when she presses on them, and her tone is very high. I was more worried about her shoulder, which I still think was stuck above her head in the birth canal, preventing her from progressing.
She doesn't seem to have great range of motion there, and doesn't stretch very often or extend her Shoulder above her head. At the last minute the Doctor added her shoulder to the order, but then when we got there radiology would not do it. They said they typically do an x-ray for the shoulder, and that we need a separate order for that, but since they are open 24 hours a day, we don;t have to make an appointment or anything, and can go at any time. Since Holly goes in for a well visit at the end of the month I will bring it up again, if it seems she isn't using her arm.
I worry that it is preventing her from pushing herself up in prone and eventually crawling. The Radiologist could not give us the results, but told us not to lose sleep over waiting, so I am guessing her hips are fine, mostly because Holly sit today! I took a long 5 minute video of this, and you can see her teetering, and sorta fall once, but that was the first time, as the minutes ticked by she got better and better. Several times she caught herself when she tipped, and she would be leaning on one hand, I could imagine thinking, what now, my hand is holding me here, and I don;t know how to get up again, but I can;t use it to get toys, but if I let go I fall.. After a few second,s I would give her a little push.
She sat for about 45 minutes, and then got tired, so we took a break for a story, then when Daddy got home we practiced again, and she went about 10 minutes without tipping at all, she would make lots of little adjustments and would right herself is she started to slip either way. It was amazing, I was so excited, I was beside myself. Just on Friday when she was practicing with her OT/PT she was not able to sit on her own, then it seems like over night, well quite literally, she learned how. This goes back to my theory on burst learning, she suddenly, can sit, balance, reach and hold toys while sitting, everything all at once, she never ceases to amaze me.
Simon’s 2019 Funnies
5 years ago
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