Well today I got off to a pretty late start, I think it was almost 10:30 by the time I dropped Holly off. She was having a good morning. I dropped her off to play on the bean bag, and went to make her daily bottles. her teacher seemed to be out sick today, and I thought I heard her crying/fussing in the other room, no one was going over to her. There seemed to be a sub, who went over and sorta looked at her, but didn't really pick her up or do anything. Once I finished making the bottles I went over and I picked her up. She was tired and a bit cranky. At this point one of the main teacher's from the other room came in, and she saw me and she took Holly and said, I bet she likes being rocked to sleep, and sat with her in the glider. This made me feel better. I told her about Holly's ear ache and to call me if it seemed like she was in pain and could not be comforted, as I did not give her any Motrin this morning, she had settled, and seemed fine so I left for work.
She was still asleep when I arrived to pick her up, and a different sub teacher I guess woke her and went to change her diaper to get her ready to go home with me, but didn't really know how to change the gDiaper's and was trying to pull them down, not undo the Velcro. The Velcro is in the back, so she can;t undo it herself. So I showed her how to do it and finished, and she went to change another baby.
Since Holly had just woken up and I was waiting for Joel to get off work so I could pick him up, I decided to give her her bottle there, and play a bit. They have these large cylinder cushions, and I put it in front of her, and she stood up leaning on it. Jack a little I think 14 month old came wondering over to play with us. Each week at

We decided to go to Bay Street and get a new computer game called spore. Joel fed her the rest of her bottle in the car, and then we decided to eat out at Fudruckers, as we both wanted burgers. Holly seemed in good spirits, she played while we ate, and then we went to the bookstore. Holly is such a spoiled baby, we got her an ABC Animal Book, that each page has some type of interaction you can do, a pop-up ocean, underwater book, and a pull out colors sea life book, and Joel got her the story of Icarus and the end of the universe, with pictures that looked like they were from Hubble. There were like 5 more that I wanted and put back, and Joel said we could get next time.
They didn't have my game at Gamestop, so we went to best buy, Holly had fun walking around the store, and was fascinated with Guitar hero. We would play this all the time when I was pregnant, and she loved the music, and today she loved it again. I think it is a great game for little kids because they can learn there colors and hand eye coordination, so watch out, in just few years, Holly will be our little guitar here. We are thinking about getting Rock Band, and then she can learn rhythm and timing on the drums!
By the time we got home she was exhausted, and basically ate her medicine and went to bed for the night, early at around 7:45.
Katie called and we will have a make up session tomorrow which makes me very happy, I was getting worried with all the missed appointments lately.

Also, thanks for the notes about not worrying with her lack of saying Ba. and everyone is right, I will put it out of my mind, and I am sure she will say it again.. In fact, today she has been going mmmmmmm mmmmmm so maybe a new word is on our horizon..
I am grumpy tonight, as my Tivo is acting up again, and it missed recording all of my shows tonight. I took out the cable cards to try and fix it and will have to call tech support tomorrow, if i have to send this one back too, I will be really upset.
Holly's adorable. and I LOVE that rose quilt!
Here's a link to baby equipment rentals in VA...several sites. Breezy Baby seems to the the most inclusive...esp. if you're flying into the DC area. Hope this helps you!
I love that picture of her finding her toes...Makes me wish I could have another one....
{{baby lust}}
She is so precious
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