Well Holly has had a rough few days. She is starting to display some more of that mommy separation anxiety. Tuesday started ff as a good day, she got to daycare on time, and I was at work early. This was especially good because Katie called to schedule a make-up appointment in the afternoon at 4:15. So I was able to pick her up, and was only a few minutes late, leaving work on time proved to be a challenge. When I came in to get her, the teacher had just finished feeding her and walked by me. I had to collect her bottles so could not take her immediately. She had the biggest smile when she saw me, but the teacher walked away and sat with her waiting for me to get ready, she immediately started to cry, like why is my mommy over there and not holding me. So I came over to get her, and she helped me collect her items. As soon as I picked her up she was happy, smiling, touching my face, pulling my hair, and cheerful. She was happy to be in the car seat, and played with her loopy toy, and we got home without incident. Then upstairs i held her for maybe 5 minutes while Katie washed her hands, and then when I handed her over, she looked over at me and gave me the Holly pouty grumpy face, and that was it, tears! I took her back and she touched my face and then laughed, Katie took her she cried. So we started to do some of her session from my lap, then I got onto the floor with her and Katie, and sat her in my lap. Katie would try and get her to do her stretches and turns, and she would look back at me, grab my skirt, then look at Katie and hesitantly reach for the toy. But if Katie got too close she would get mad, or if Katie touched her too much, like when she tried to do some leg stretches she cried. So we were able to get through about an hour, but each step was a challenge, and we had to take it very slowly with lots of mommy breaks so she knew I was still there.
After all of this she was so very tired, and fell asleep at 7:00 just minutes before Joel got home. Since she had been up since about 3:45 we decided to let her sleep, and had a good dinner and watched a new show called Fringe, but she had not taken her Antibiotics yet, so we had t wake her for a bottle at 10:00 she was rested, happy to see daddy and playful. On the other hand, mom was exhausted from being up since 7:00 am, and went to bed. making sure daddy would be ok with Holly on his own for the night. She played until around 11:30, since she had just had a 3 hour nap, and then went peacefully to bed, until 6:30 the next morning.

since mommy was so tired from the night before, Joel got up with her and after a poopie diaper change they fell asleep in the living room on his chair. mom got up, and pumped, and let them sleep until just before it was time to leave for daycare, we were actually ready to go just around 9:00, fed her her antibiotics, and dropped her off without incident. Today, she only had 1 nap from 12-2:45, it was a long one, and mom picked her up just at 5:30, running late, walking in 1 minute before they would start to charge me. We were off to a parent meeting at the other daycare, where she will start in January, it was sorta an orientation, and though it was optional, I wanted to meet some other parents and get a feel for the community there. The meeting went well, it is definitely a hippy daycare, green, healthy snacks, like carrot sticks and muffins for monthly birthday parties, but mostly we really like it, and especially the diverse and inclusive student population.
I think Holly is starting to exibit stranger anxiety, which I suppose is a good thing because it is a milestone, but I am not sure, so I will talk with Katie on Friday about it. Today at the parents meeting she was cheerful and happy playing with me and hugging me, but two other moms were trying to engage her and smile at her, and she looked at me and then them and started to cry. It only took a hug and a kiss to bring her back, but she did not want to engage. Now, perhaps it is not a good thing, and she is showing social anxiety or shyness, but she hasn't done this with other babies yet, so I'm just not quite sure how it will continue to manifest.
After the meeting we went to pick up Joel at work, and she saw some of his co-workers, and she was happy to say hello to them, but has met them before, so perhaps remembered there faces, and of course we didn't try and hand her over, I didn't want to risk it.

Joel was very possessive tonight, I think he was missing her, he wanted to feed her and play with her, and we looked at some baby pictures of him, that his mom had sent. Then it was time for hm to make dinner, and Holly was getting sleepy, since she had been awake since 2:45 it was almost 5 hours from her last nap, and around 8:00 she fell asleep. We moved her into the crib after dinner, and she stayed asleep, and is still asleep now.
The night has gotten away from me, reading email, and other blogs, and I still need to pump, so I am off to finish the night, so I am not too tired tomorrow.
1 comment:
Stranger anxiety can be a struggle to overcome sometimes. My Renegade Doodle still has trouble with it. He was in ST with the same lady for 2 years and never said a word to her, until her last day he told her bye. Glad to hear you like my blog, ty for your wonderful comments.
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