Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Originally uploaded by vczdavis

This is a toy we got for holly a few months ago, that she hadn't really played with, but now that she is bigger she really likes it. She is in this video chatting with her mommy about her day, and tiring herself out.



fragilemom said...

Hi. Thanks for posting a comment on my blog regarding my good days. About the signing.....6 months is NOT to young! Go for it! I know there are books out there to help, but I don't know what they are. We've only done minimal, but wish we would have done more by now. We did get a packet from our in-home support when Ian was doing therapy that way. I think I was just too overwhelmed at the time to even look at it. It has all kinds of signs. I would check into how to teach your child to sign type books. All of our therapists have always said the earlier you start, the better. And it's sooooo amazing when they catch on for the first time! I look forward to reading your blog and catching up on your story.

Anonymous said...

Can't remember where I saw it but you hade mentioned ASL for Holly, GO FOR IT!!.. I started all of my kids young and they picked it up. http://www.aslpro.com has a great baby sign dictionary. I always started with the basics, more, eat, drink, play,..if you have any questions I'd be glad to try and help you out. There are mom's in my Fragile X group at http://www.cafemom.com/group/fragilex that also have great advice on sign so you might want to check it out too. Good luck.