Daycare is going much better then expected and Holly's teacher's love her. She has not cried as far as i can tell, and she sleeps a good portion of the time she is there. This morning we were running fairly late, as I did not want to wake her up and she did not wake up on her own until 9:00, so I let her sleep. Then Fed and Changed her and it was almost 10:00 by the time we got there. We were able to drop her off with little fan fair, a kiss good bye ad left her playing in the pillow with the Galaxy toy, happy. She napped from 10:45-11:30, which is pretty short for her. At this time her teacher took her and Justin another little boy on a walk in a double stroller they went to all the to her classrooms visiting the other kids and around the block. She reported that Holly had a lot of fun. When I arrived for her PT appointment at around 12:30 they were out back and she was happily sitting up in the stroller playing with toys.
Sally met with her starting about 1:00 and she was a little fussy. She did not want to extent her head backwards and would cry when sally tried to lean her back on the rolling cushion. She was also slightly locking her legs and seems a little fussy. I changed and fed her and she opened up and relaxed while eating, but definitely chooses to stay tight at other times, and fights it if you try and move her in certain ways, that at other times she does on her own no problem. In tummy time she does not really raise her head, and she needs to strengthen the muscles on the back of her neck.
By about 1:45 she was shot, and I think that the fact that she was up since 11:30, and that absorbing all the stimuli from a long walk, she was exhausted. I put her down in the pillow with a hungry Caterpillar toy and she was restful. Her teacher reports that she fell asleep by 2:15 and did not wake up until 4:45. She then was changed and ate, just in time for me to pick her up just after 5:00. When I arrived one of the other teachers was holding her in the back while her teacher fed Henry. She didn't cry out or immediately reach for me. She looked at me and smiled, but then she looked back at the teacher and tried to grab and eat her large beaded necklace, also touching her face, and was happy to be there.
When we got home we had a lot of fun playing, including a massage and naked baby time. she then got a little worn out after eating another bottle so we watched yo gabba gabba, she didn't actually nap, but it was a restful period. When daddy got home she was refreshed, and played with him for about an hour. She then was sleepy again and we read some stories, including the very hungry Caterpillar, and good night moon. She fell fast asleep around 9:30.
She cried for a moment, and Joel went in, and she was holding her feet on her back and yelling. he handed her back the pacifier which she grabbed right out of his hands and immediately took her blanky and turned back to her side and fell right back asleep.
Joel also noted that she grabbed her bottle from him tonight, and he tried to pull it back to adjust it and she would not let go, so he knows what her teacher is talking about.
I love my sweetie!
Simon’s 2019 Funnies
5 years ago
1 comment:
Im glad Holly is having fun in day care!
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