Yesterday was a quiet laid back day. Holly was little miss energizer Bunny. She had her regular session with Katie, and Katie brought a colleague of hers Kristy to meet Holly. In comparison it seemed like Kristy was man-handling Holly, she was really getting in there trying to stretch and move her around to come up with ways to get her to drop her shoulders, relax and work her back muscles and extend, ideally we want her to do something like a backbend, but forward, keeping her hips planted.

I was shocked that Holly did not protest, she continued to be a very busy bee, and would not sit still for the entire 90 minute session, she would not be deterred, she wanted to crawl and climb and stand and reach for toys and twist and turn and she was on the go go go… and didn’t let Kristy get in her way. They were in awe with not only her energy level, but how cute she was trying to engage them, and how strong she was picking up toys, but more than anything else her determination. She is a girl who works and plays hard, and the moral of the day, is no one will stop her from doing anything, she will find a way…
I wonder where she gets that level of determination from…..
She took a brief nap after Katie and Kristy left, but not for very long, before she was at it again. We had a fun time playing and then ate some pears. She seemed to like them much better this time and ate 2/3 of a small container. Later she took a longer nap and that gave me a chance to read and comment on a WASC Report I am reviewing for a new program in Aviation at a school. It is nice to have a little bit of Professional stuff to do, a few hours a month is just perfect. I had been putting of the report for like a week, and it was due Tuesday at 8am, and I wanted to finish it before Joel got home, as it was our Anniversary.. 10 years married, and 15 years together.
I pre-ordered from Home on the Range 0 we still have a gift card from there that I have been using up, and they delivered chicken parmesan for me and pot roast for Joel. When he got home we decided to all sit at the table and eat, we are supposed to be socializing Holly to eating, so we put her in her little read chair and I gave her a Barley teething biscuit.
She seemed pretty interested in Joel’s food, and he had some potato, so I decided to give her it to try.. It was hilarious, I am a bad mommy for tormenting my little one, it was “spicy” Joel said it had some clove and cinnamony flavor, but was mild… Well, it was too much flavor for Holly. She picked it up, put it in her mouth, then made the most yuckiest face and grabbed it out of her mouth and threw it down, then tried to use her tongue to get the taste out of her mouth. I gave her the Barley biscuit back and she was happy, but I didn’t take the potato away, and she tried it three more times, I guess maybe she thought it would be different, and it probably was a little less each time, but it was really funny watching her trying to suck on it. Joel thinks I am going to traumatize her and make her not like stew like Mommy… I told him he has nothing to worry about she will like stew just fine. I am really looking forward to Thanksgiving and giving her all kinds of new foods to try.
She went to bed at 10ish and then Joel and I had Apple Tart with Coffee ice Cream and caramel Sauce and had a quiet night watching some tv and went to bed early. We talked about maybe doing something exciting for our big 10 year, but really a quiet night with the family was just what Joel wanted, he is so happy with me and Holly, he feels like his life is complete, and it was a very content filled night. 
We decided sometime next year when someone comes and visits we will go away for a night and let them watch holly, but for now an evening together with her, is all that we need.
Today Holly had Pears with oatmeal, and I gave her a slice of apple to chew on. I think she liked the apple. Tonight we are going to Baby Brigade to see W. I should be getting ready to head out, so I have to go… It was a quiet day.
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