Friday, November 7, 2008


Originally uploaded by vczdavis
SO this month, November, my hubby is doing NanoWrimo (National Novel Writing Month) you write 50k words in 30 days, with an average of 1666 a day. This year I decided not to do it, because I write more then that for my blog, and I don’t have time. Then I was over at And then there were two… and learned about NaBloPoMo National Blog Posting Month…. So I am so totally doing this.. But here is the thing… I am kinda cheating.. see… I wrote every day this month, and every day is accounted for in my blog, but because I wanted to post all the pictures I already missed the 2nd and 3rd, even though I have 9 posts so far… So from this day forward I will post daily, even if it is just a short update and I have to add pictures later. I guess I will have to “win” next month, but I can still participate the rest of this month… Many more posts to come.

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