Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Last night Holly was a firecracker. W was a long movie, and I was sorta bored, it wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t exciting either, but I guess beggars can’t be choosers, and that’s what was playing at the baby brigade. It was well written and acted.. I was shocked that Richard Dryfus played Cheney, and it was neat seeing current event people being depicted in the film.

Holly had however taken a nap just before the movie, and then ate in the car on the way over. Starting at 6:15 seemed to mess up a lot of people and everyone arrived late, I think they ended up delaying the start a few moments, but we got good seats and for the first 30 minutes or so of the movie Holly was chill and hung out sitting in Daddy’s lap, but then I guess she had looked around the room, looked at the big screen, adapted to her new environment and was bored, so then the climbing began, and for the next maybe 2 hours, as it was a very long movie, she didn’t sit still. She looked over my shoulder and climbed up the mommy, then she would lounge back towards the daddy, and she would twist and turn and play with toys that she would toss to the ground for her own amusement. She had fun.

After the movie we went over to star bucks with Dave, Tracey and Lucian, so we could visit with them for a few minutes, we stayed about an hour. We set up by a table that had a half wall against it, and Holly was sitting on the table with her toys, so she of course immediately decided she would try and climb over the wall and like a little gopher tried to flirt with all the other patrons. This picture was actually taken by someone having coffee who thought she was too photogenic to ignore, and he emailed me the photo. She was very cute and such a hyper happy baby, you would think she had a coffee herself.

Lucian was very sweet, he was all bundled up in cute brown overalls and a blue hoodie jacket, and he is getting much better at sitting, if you prop him up he will stay sitting for a while and hold himself. He is such an observant laid back baby, watching every move that holly made, and trust me there were hundreds. Holly had a bottle and Dave and Tracey wanted Lucian t watch her drinking it, as he is still not Happy with a bottle, so he was very intrigued and watched intently. Joel got to hold and play with him for a little bit, he is very cuddly. I am hoping before they leave for the Holidays we can get together at a time when Joel can get on the floor and play with both babies, I think he would really like that, he doesn’t often get a chance to see Holly interact with other babies, and Joel likes to play with other babies too.

My little bundle of energy fell asleep in the car on the way home, and we carried her up to bed. And fast asleep she stayed until 7am this morning. We realize we are so lucky to have such a good sleeper on our hands and hope it stays that way.. She seems to play hard and sleep hard.

This morning she woke up and played with Daddy until about 9:30 and then took a nap with Mommy while Daddy was in the shower and off to work until about 10:30. Then Simone the Psychologist / therapist from through the looking glass (regional center services) came over. I hadn’t had a session with her since before I went back to work, even though I did email her when I quit my job, but since we had just done Holly’s 6 month review she had to do a report, and I am supposed to see her at a minimum of 2 times a month. I want to try and do once a month, but I figure maybe one week she can meet with me and then the other week meet with Joel, as she is supposed to be providing services for both parents. We had a nice chat, and she enjoyed watching Holly play.

This afternoon after story time, we ate Garden Vegetables, which had Green Beans, Carrots, and Spinach in them. I gave Holly about 1/3 of a container, and she ate all that I set aside for her, so I think I might give her a second serving of food tonight. Then we played in her crib a bit. I relaxed on the rocking chair chatting with my mom, and watched her; I wanted to see how she would act in the new environment. Right now she is in the bouncer, for about 20 minutes but is getting fussy, so I am off to play with her some more.

Later – So we went out this afternoon to pick up our Veggie box, We visited Daddy and he came with us, so that he could go get it and carry it to the car. Holly fell asleep during our outing, so Mommy read her magazine in the car and let her Nap, but she woke up by 5:30, but not for long, she had a yummy 6 ounce bottle and fell back asleep in Mommy’s arms… What is a Mommy to do? Take a nap.. and that I did. Now its 8:00 Daddy is home and getting dinner ready and Holly is up for a few more hours to play, she is quite refreshed.

1 comment:

theotherlion said...

I love those cheeks. I want to attack them! =)