Thanksgiving was a very fun day. Mommy got to sleep in until about 11 and Daddy started the cooking. Holly enjoyed keping him company in her exercaucer, watching his every move. First he made very yummy orange cranberry muffins. This made a delicious breakfast. They came out of the oven just in time to serve to Dave and Tracey and Lucian who arrived for an afternoon visit around 1:30. We had a very fun playdate. Dave kept Joel company in the kitchen while he got the turkey into the oven, and prepped for other side dishes.

Tracey and I played with Lucian and Holly in the living room. Lucian is getting really close to sitting, he is propping himself up, but is so mellow and relaxed he doesn’t quite know when he is tipping yet. Holly and Lucian were sitting facing each other and Holly kept trying to reach towards him, I think she wanted to get his face or hair to give him a kiss. Every time she would reach up towards him we would sit her back down and not let her get to his face, and tell her to be gental, but she was being quite determined and stubborn and kept trying over and over until she got frustrated. She gave me a look like Mommy, why won’t you let me play with my teddy bear.

It was quite cute. After a while she gave up and continued to play and Lucian watched her very intrigued. When the boys were done in the kitchen they came into the living room to join us, and we watched David play Spore on the big screen TV, which was fun. Holly crawled around the floor, astonishing them with her mobility, and Lucian played in my lap and on the carpet. I was mean and had him do tummy time for a few minutes but he was getting tired and wanted his Mommy, who then fed him.

After David and Tracey left Holly went down for a nap and Joel finished cooking Dinner. I helped him load a load of dishes and straighten up the kitchen, he made some green beans. First steaming them, then he took his out early and sautéed them with garlic, spices and a tomato, He let Holly’s green beans steam longer and them put them in the baby food grinder to mush them up for Holly. We had Jellied Cranberries from the can, and Joel made some mashed potatoes and stuffing with golden raisins and craisins. He also made some biscuits.

So I decided that it was just about time for us to eat so I should give Holly her Thanksgiving Dinner. She had her bottle an hour earlier and it was just 7:00 which is about when I give her baby food usually. We started with the Green Beans, I gave her a spoonful and then her face changed, she stuck her tongue out gave me the stick eye and tried to claw the green beans off her tongue. She did not like. I tried a second bit and she got mad and spit them out on me. So I decided to try something sweet and gave her a bite of cranberry sauce, she didn’t really like that either making faces, or pushing it out of her mouth with her tongue.

I tried a few more bites but she wasn’t pleased. This was about the time that Joel finished the mashed potatoes and he brought me a Holly sized dish of those. I gave her a bit and these were rather sticky and stuck to the roof of her mouth, she was fed up by this time, and puked up all her food, including the bottle from an hour earlier.. Then proceeded to laugh and slap the puddle of milk while I tried to hold and contain her hands while Joel got a towel. No Success…..

So Once I got her changed and cleaned up I decided I would not be deterred and I would let her try the Turkey and Gravy Gerber Dinner we got, I figured this is baby food, and the other food was “real” food so she should like this. I personally thought it smelled awful and I think she agreed, one bite and she gave me that very unhappy face again, I didn’t push it. I instead gave her some organic Gerber squash, which I knew she liked and she ate half the container. So the score is 1 Gerber 0 food grinder. I saved the green beans to give her the next day mixed with Gerber green beans.

Our dinner was amazing, Joel took the turkey out of the oven and went to carve it and the entire breast simply slid off the bone, it took him less then 10 minutes with all the meat sliding off to get every last morsel, leaving completely cleaned bones.. He was shocked and amazed. We also had some corn on the cob and biscuits.

Holly really wanted to eat my food, even though when I gave her some she didn’t like it, so I let her try a bite of stuffing, and she stole the biscuit off my plate so I let her gnaw on that too. Most of Dinner she was in her bouncer seat but I eat slow and after about 20 minutes she wanted to be with us at the table. Dinner was delicious.

We rested then, hung out and played and tried to take a little nap. Joel was wonderful, cleaning up the kitchen and making me a pecan pie while Holly and I were napping in my bed. She never actually did fall asleep, we played most of the time, and when the pie was done Joel read her a story fed her and put her to bed. She was up much later then her bedtime, it was about 11:00 before she stayed in bed, twice her tried to put her down and she was too riled up and got upset, but she was tired. Once she was asleep I had some yummy pie with Cool Whip.
It was a great Thanksgiving.
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