Friday, January 23, 2009

Sleepy Bear

We had so much fun at the pool today. Holly was super social smiling at every baby we came across, and splashing them, which they didn’t seem to mind. She kicked during the kicking songs and when we sang “The Wheels on the Bus” section that says, “The parent’s on the bus say – I love you” and then we give them a kiss she was so giddy with joy upon each kiss I could barely contain myself. Later when we sang Old McDonald had a pool she chased after the spiky fish and the gold fish.

Today was an interesting day. I had a conference call for WASC from 11:30-1:00 and Joel stayed home with Holly this morning. I had hoped that she would stick to her usual schedule, and Daddy would put her to sleep as I was getting ready. But it seems that she fussed and didn’t want to eat very much for daddy, and then he tried everything for 90 minutes to get her to nap, giving her a bottle at noon, and lying in bed with her and putting her in the swing and she didn’t go to sleep. By the time I was done and ready to watch her she was so over tired and grumpy. I made her a bottle thinking I could use it to coax her to sleep, but she so didn’t want it since she had one only an hour earlier. I guess at this point I perhaps should have fed her baby food instead but the bottle was already made. We tried again in my lap 45 minutes later and she fell asleep. She was so sweet. I laid her down in the little nest and checked some email. She only slept an hour, I was hoping she would sleep all the way up to Swim class, but she woke up cheerful.

She was a bit hungry so I decided to give her one of her grown up food snacks. The other night we had stuffing and I saved a little bowl for her. I put a handful on her little tray and let her feed herself. This mostly consists of her mashing it in her fist and then into her mouth. She opens her mouth but most of her handful falls out and doesn’t make it in, the bits that do mostly get sucked on and then spit out a second later. This isn’t really very filling or nutritious. I also gave her some left over white rice. The good news is that she didn’t gag at all. I opened up some peas to try and get her to eat a real lunch, but she only took about 3bites and I didn’t want to discourage her finger food eating. She didn’t seem overly hungry so I figured she could make it till her bottle after swimming. She did indeed make it until 5:30.

So her official goal is less then 30 ounces a day, and she usually is getting around 27 now. However our “push” goal is 24 ounces. I have been reading that babies between 9-12 months should be drinking 24 ounces, or three 8 ounce bottles per day, 3 meals and two snacks. Once she starts drinking “whole” milk it’s the same 24 ounces in sippy cups 3 times a day. Well it is debatable how on track I will ever get. I still have not gotten around to trying the sippy cup, and I am not sure I want to actually give her whole milk. They have 9-24 month formula “Go and Grow” and I kinda like the idea of knowing she is getting all her daily nutrients, so I suppose at some point I will introduce milk, but I don’t think I will switch completely over just because it is her first birthday.

So right now we are trying to increase her per feeding intake and reduce her frequency. She is now drinking 5-6 ounces for 2-3 feedings a day. At a 6 ounce bottle regimen I can get her down to 4 bottles. I was reading that the way to do this is to start by stopping the afternoon bottle, so I am pleased to say I have somewhat done this instinctually. She was getting two small morning bottles, two “saved” small evening bottles” and mostly baby food in the afternoon, 1 bottle for the middle for the day. So these 5 bottles are making up her intake, some being 4 others being 6 ounces.

Anyways, I am not going to be super stringent on this, when she cries or is hungry or asks to eat I feed her, depending on the time of day I might try baby food before giving her the bottle, but in an ideal world, especially when she is older having a schedule or routine on when she gets her meals, snacks, and bottles is something many toddlers crave, and it will make life easier for e, as the schedule will help me meet her needs easier. I think the tough part right now is napping. The schedule is really for an older child on a 1 nap system. She isn’t there yet. Today she only took 1 nap and she is pretty cranky, it was only an hour, so I expect her to go to sleep early and I have my fingers crossed that she won’t have night terrors.

I am not too worried though because she got excellent sleep the last two nights, 12.5 hours both, and yesterday she was a little under the weather due to the rain and cold and napped often and spent most of the day cuddling me and resting. So today she is a bundle of energy and tonight she is very cranky. Finally after much playing, whining, and feedings she went to bed around 9:45. She never did go down for a second nap, so I hope she sleeps soundly.

Oh.. And this is the cool Fractal like Veggie from our Wednesday box called a Romanesco.

1 comment:

CarolineThomas said...

The pool sounds fun, I love the new twist on the song lyrics, hehe. Holly sleeps so sweetly, I am sure you are doing all the right things with her food and naps. Mum knows best and every child is different.
That is a freaky looking vegetable!!