Saturday, January 24, 2009

Honest Scrap

I would like to thank The X Mom for giving me a bloggy award.

The rules for this award are as follows...

Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design.

Show the 7 winners' names and links on your blog, and leave a comment informing them that they were prized with "Honest Scrap".

List at least ten honest things about yourself.

1. Before having Holly I wasn’t sure if I liked other people’s kids. I never knew how to interact with them, but hoped when I had my own I would know what to do. I think I have come a long way, and never expected to take to motherhood like I have.

2. I have terrible insomnia, or at least an aversion to inertia. I have trouble falling asleep, but once I am asleep I can stay that way for hours and hate to wake up.

3. I am easily entertained and enjoy very cheesy movies. Not “bad” comedies, but those girly tween types. My taste in TV isn’t much better. But I prefer it to being cynical, I like being able to find the joy in all things.

4. I used to want to be a Vampire, but now that I have Holly, if the opportunity presented itself, and I had to leave my family behind, I would not trade her for immortality. However “Twilight” has given me hope that I could have both J

5. I have my own logic. It makes complete logical sense to me, but is completely chaotic and irrational to others. After 15 years I think Hubby is starting to at least be able to follow that logic.

6. I tend to get a little obsessive and one track minded. Right now my life is all about baby. I emerge myself, and need to be reminded to keep a balance.

7. I don’t get sarcasm or dry humor most of the time, but I wish I could be more witty.

8. I sometimes feel like Holly and I don’t quite fit in anywhere. She is not quite developing typically, but she is so much better off then so many other kids out there, I feel guilty sometimes by how lucky I have been so far, but I fear that I will jynx myself.

9. I worry about what others think of me, and fear that I sometimes come across as too pushy, over bearing, or over enthusiastic. But I am really being completely genuine and want to be your friend. I put social interaction above most other things like errands and chores.

10. Being friends sometimes seems like so much work, having to keep up, call, write, and stay in touch. I sometimes want to be anti-social, or not have to work so hard and talk to casual strangers instead. But I wish I was better at the networking and long distance thing. I miss friends I have made and lost track of, the ones I cherish the most though, are those that I can pick up with where we last left off whether it was a week, a month, or a year ago. Around them I don’t have to worry so much.

So there you have it.. Ten honest things.. That was harder than I thought it would be. Not that I am not honest, but coming up with genuine and interesting things, that aren’t just facts like I live in Berkeley California and I am 33 was a fun challenge.

And now for the new Awardees...

M @ And there there were two
Kia @ Good Enough Momma
Erika @ The Other Lion
Umma @ Basically FX
Kristie @ Life with my Xmen
Chantelle @ Life unscripted
Kat @ KZ in AZ
Ona @ University Life
....and I will echo the x-mom's nominations of:
Sarah @ Love and Surviival with Fragile X
Beth @ Fragile What?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the nod and congrats for getting through it. :) I can mirror so many of those thoughts!!

CarolineThomas said...

I really enjoyed reading these little truths, I like to think that I am one of those friends that no matter how long it is since I saw you or spoke to you we can still pick up like it was yesterday. Hugs xxx

ST said...

Thanks, Vicki! How thoughtful of you!