Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Good Cry

The other day I was commenting on a blog to a mom about how we all sometimes need a good cry, and I usually find it in a sappy movie. Today I was lead to a blog that another Fragile X mother follows that shares the story of Audrey Caroline. Bring the Rain is the story of a sad and amazing journey of a mother processing the loss of her new baby. It made me think back to my 20th week of Pregnancy and the Genetic testing and the choices I was faced with when I learned of Holly's Diagnosis, and it makes me so grateful for my Beautiful Daughter. I admire the strength that people have, and remember back when my loved ones told me how strong I was being, but that was nothing compared to this mother's story. What strikes me is her journey brought her closer to her faith at a time when it could have instead brought her away filling her with anger, she chose love. Anyway. I guess I just had a good cry and wanted to share, and remind us all no matter how hard it might get, and is on some days, we have our precious little ones to brighten our life each day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah yes...a good cry is like fine wine: sometimes you just have to have it so that you can move on! ;)