Saturday, January 17, 2009

Just Another Day

Today was a pretty busy day. We got an early start with a 9:00 AM Session with Katie. We played with the ball, and the tunnel, and did some big stretches. Holly woke up early at 8:00 so by the time Katie was ready to go at 10:39 she was cranky and ready for her nap. She ended up drinking 3 bottles before her first nap and we skipped her morning Yogurt because she was in her session. So once she woke up I fed her lunch, the Squash we froze didn’t thaw very well, like the first container, it was very watery so I had to mix 1/3 with Rice Cereal, then 1/3 with Banana and then finally the last 1/3 with Sweet peas. She ate about 2 full containers worth and then we played for just a bit before it was time to leave for swim class.
Swim class was fun. Holly really gets into it now, splashing and kicking. There is this little step inside the pool and I let her sit on it and she jumps to my arms. Today she particularly enjoyed the “Mighty Duke of York” because she enjoyed being lifted up into the air. After swim class she was hungry and wanted a bottle and then fell asleep and took a long nap in the car. Mommy decided to relax and read her magazine and then we stopped at the store and got some Burger Buns for dinner. We picked up Daddy, and holly was very hungry by then, so I fed her right away. She finished her Sweet Peas and had some Banana Blueberry for desert.
We ate dinner and Holly played some more and we watched Battlestar Galactica… So Exciting!!! Holly fell asleep in my lap after her last bottle of the day and she came in safely at 27 ounces. Today in the mail we got two huge well not really huge but large packages of formula, it is the go and grow kind for 9-24 months. I read in one place that you should not give formula in a sippy cup, just juice and water. But then I read somewhere else that that was because formula is only good for an hour and most parents leave the drink in the sippy cup all afternoon, so it goes bad.. it is one of those over protective things. So then in this other article I read that you should give them formula in the sippy cup because they already like and know it just to be careful with it. So since I have all this Enfamil I think I might try and introduce the sippy cup again. The other thing I am trying is to get Holly to drink bigger bottles less often. You may recall she drinks 7 bottles a day, 4 ounces each. But from what I have read for her age she should be drinking three 8 ounce bottles a day.
The ideal schedule: Morning Bottle, Breakfast, Lunch, Afternoon Bottle, Dinner, Bedtime Bottle. I am not at all going to be obsessed about this schedule, but it is good to have goals. So usually at least 1 time a day I give her a 6 ounce bottle and try to spread out her meals a little longer, but even when she hasn’t eaten for 3 hours she almost never drinks the whole 6 ounces. I still also have to figure out when I can give her snacks. The other day she shared a Banana and Orange with me, but she basically just sucked on them and didn’t do much chewing or swallowing. I also want to give her more crackers and such, but with the gag reflex I have to find time between other meals and bottles so there isn’t fresh food in her system.
One mom suggested rice krispies. She said she gives her son one piece at a time and it crackles in his mouth and he really likes it. She sometimes also mixes it with his other food like veggies so make them more fun to eat, crunchy and crackly. Another suggests Cerrios, so we will see. I have given her a bit of saffron rice and the other day Joel over cooked some Mac and Cheese so the noodles were mushy and I gave her a few of those. In this case she actually swallowed them. I was very excited. We have a whole bunch of empty baby food containers and a new veggie box, so the plan this weekend is to make some carrots and more squash. We also plan on Baby Proofing. Joel actually researched it today and found a place in Emeryville that sells Plexiglass cut to spec and we are getting some to use as doors on the entertainment center and the space in front of Mack’s tank. We also need to take down the Christmas tree this weekend. I am ready and hope it won’t take too long, but I am not looking forward to it while also watching Holly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fragile X is such an important issue - thank you so much for bringing attention to it.