Friday, January 30, 2009

All About Me!

So I know now in retrospect that this post is a little excessive and you probably do not want to see a gazillion pictures of me, but I found these today looking for a picture of eyes that I plan to post later this week and well, I thought perhaps it would be interesting to show me growing up to one day compare to Holly's pictures as she grows up.. So here I am...

Little Vicki (Holly's Mom)

About a year old

That hair almost looks curly

Tomboy phase

According to the picture... 16 months

Must be just under 2

I have to be 3 or 4 here, this is with Star.

I am not sure which house this is, I am around 4-5 I think.

This picture says it is when I am 5.

This is sometime shortly after maybe 6-7

I think this is in new york so I am in Second Grade

This one is Colorado so I am in 3rd or 4th grade

This is back in New York I am in 7th Grade

Is this Thurston? Was he before Crystal? We have Had Great Pyrenees since I was like 3 and we have had several now, overlapping with a new one every 5-7 years.

This is 8th grade end of year dance... It was so the 80's

This is 10th grade, its the 90's now..

This is my Senior Picture

This is High School Graduation

This is around my Second Year of College, I was already Dating Joel and going through a Hippy Phase!

This is College Graduation

Mid twenties here...

Its late and I don't have time to find some more.. But I will post some soon.


CarolineThomas said...

Of course we want to see a gazillion pictures of you, who wouldn't? It's interesting to see how much you have changed too and you really have. Holly is a lot like you. xx

joeld42 said...

...and that's the last time you ever vacuumed. :)