Joel used to love going to the Public Market for dinner every chance he got, but now when we go Holly has the run of the place, Ball Pit, Spaceship, Horse, Carousal. He still likes it, but now it is just so much more work.

Luckily, on this day we had Tanta Kat with us and sometimes she has almost as much energy as Holly. Here is a video of them playing together in the ball pit:
This is Holly's first time riding this horse. She had a lot of fun riding off into the sunset with Tanta Kat by her side, "Giddy up"

I love this little outfit she is wearing. It's not the kind of thing you can pull off everyday, but she had these neat little leg warmers and no where to wear them.

I got her all these neat little onzies from
threadless which I love but when you wear them half of the cool picture is cut off if you put pants on over them. You can wear tights, but they got hot and rip easy.

So on this night, we tried leg warmers. I thought it was really cute but Joel wasn't a fan. We played while everyone got there food, I ordered mine right away but it takes the longest too cook.

Then we all ate. Holly had a little bit of my Chicken, and some of Daddy's, she didn't like his potato, but loved my Pita Bread. Mostly she just wanted to snack on her puffs, I had some bananas for her too eat also which she munched down.

It was a fun cheap dinner followed by a run through the bookstore, which entailed chasing Holly and making sure she didn't knock too many books off the book shelf, some coffee and a pastry and a shoulder ride back to the car.
What a bundle of fun. And dude at that age leg warmers are SO appropriate! I actually bought Lil a new pair to wear under dresses this fall because she doesn't do tights worth a damn and they aren't warm anyways.
And threadless is FAB! What shirts does she have from there??!!
I like the 'onesies' as you call them, over here that's just a vest, lol. I'm not sure I like the leg warmers either but how about tights and leg warmers? x
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