Last weekend we went to Willard park in Berkeley. It is located up Derby near College Ave. There is actually a public pool in the park itself and a huge grassy field, all around the play area. next door are some tennis and Basketball courts.

Someone recommended the park a while back but wasn't exactly sure where it was located. So a few weeks back I went searching while Holly was falling asleep for a car nap.

The park is not near the street so it was hard to see details, but it looked fun and I had been wanting to go back for a while. This particular Sunday afternoon Joel was grumpy and not in the mood for an outing. Holly and I was getting tired of being stuck indoors though, so I eventually coaxed him into coming to the "park" He though we were going to our park and wasn't pleased when we got into the car.

We arrived and parked and walked through the grassy field. There were juggler's and musicians and couples on blankets watching the clouds. Frisbee players and dogs and all matter of people having fun.

As you can tell Joel cheered up once we arrive and had a blast playing with Holly. The play ground was gated and had a mixture of bouncy turf and sand. Here Holly is playing peak-a-boo with Daddy and they took turns looking above and below the bar.

The park was a mixture of wooden platforms, a fun slide and a few climbing areas. There were also lots of left toys like bikes, wagons, rockers push toys, shovels and sand toys and a little car. In the back was a fun tire swing, but we didn't play with that.

Holly had fun riding on the little dragon rocker, but needed help because she couldn't quite reach the floor.

When she was done rocking she wandered over to the swing, which I think is her way of telling us she wanted to get in and be pushed.

So of course, Daddy had to oblige. He loves pushing her on the swing, and she had a lot of fun to. She always laughs and smiles and loves the wind blowing though her hair.

She loved riding around in this little car. She probably could reach the floor and push herself if she wanted to and used her tippy toes, but she would rather sit back and relax and let her Mommy push her around.

We went around and around in circles all around the park until Mommy needed a break. At which time Holly decided she would push the car herself, but she didn't do so good with the steering and got stuck.

She loves to push things around now but she doesn't really check to see where she is going. Once she got stuck she figured if she climbed back inside perhaps Mommy would push her around some more.

There was a little ramp off to the side and we pushed the car up and then rode down, driving very fast and she had so much fun. We got to the park pretty late to begin with and after a while Joel was ready to head home. I think the fact that some "inebriated" college student's joined us to spin on the tire swing didn't help matter's any.

All in all we had a wonderful time and will be back again.
Here are a few Video's from our Day:
Pushing the Car:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2oi0670UpMDizzy after Swinging:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Czz_OCJ5eIcSlides - 1/2 - There was one slide, wide and shallow. She can sorta do it herself, but there was only just one.
Swings - 1 - yes
Surface - 1 - Bouncy Turf and Sand and Grass
Shade - 1 - There were lots of trees and it was very shady, but there were areas where you could sit in the sun.
Climbing - 1 - There was a large platform for Holly to climb on, and a ramp and some wooden pegs. There was a lot for her to move around on.
Parking - 1 - Street parking not too far from the park.
Bathrooms - 0 - I am pretty sure there weren't any, maybe in the pool, but that's not always open
Distance - 1 - less then 10 minutes from the house, just up Derby.
Friends - 1/2 - There were a ton of people in the "park" but only one other kid on the playground. We were there late in the day though, and I think at another time there might be more kids.
Fun - 1- We had a lot of fun. Riding the car, swinging, climbing, sliding.
That looks like a nice park! And I bet all three of you needed a nap after that outing! :)
I like the look of this park a lot. I love the fact it's gated and that there are toys there, brilliant! Holly looks so pleased with herself in the car, too cute. Glad Joel had fun in the end, nice to see him go with you guys. xx
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