Ding Dong goes the door bell, and there is a package to be signed for. No I am not Holly, but she isn't quite able to sign for herself yet I laugh as she tries to peak out the door at the mail man.

She is happy to get her box and plays with it until her visiting Great Uncle Ty offers to help her open it. She is eager to find out what is inside.

Woo Hoo she exclaims what are these colorful things inside this fun plastic container and how do I get them out. They look tasty.

I think you are supposed to do something over here with this zipper, maybe if I pull on it, it will open, or maybe if I smile real cute Mommy will open it for me.

Hmm.. What are these? They look interesting, I can carry them around and they are soft and very pretty and they do taste good.

Perhaps I should take them over here and play with them and hide them in my toy box, oh wait mommy is calling me over, and wants me to sit on her lap.

Hmm... These things fit on my feet, they look pretty good and they are pretty comfy too, they fit just right.

Look at these pink circles and the green ones too, can I pull those off and chew on them? These are pretty soft, and they make my feet all cosy.

Ack! Mommy expects me to walk in these, is she crazy, I can barely get to where I am going. If I am not careful I might fall right over, I think I need to hold on.

Hey, these aren't so bad after all. I think I am getting the hang of this. Thank you Granny!
Oh, I absolutely love Robeez! They were the perfect shoes for learning to walk...so flexible. They don't hold up well to sidewalks though so we went through a bunch of them, lol.
I was so sad when Monkey outgrew them.
She has really taken to these shoes. She runs around the parks with them and she's much less hesitant (more fearless?) at a transition between two surfaces.
Oh fabulousness and great choice in them. Target and BRU have good rip off brands that are cheaper and hold up just as well. We went through lots of them too. Lily didn't wear them nearly as long as Liam did for some reason.
Fabulous pics. <3
Loving the little shoes - very cute!
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