Last week we went over to Sarah and Isabel's house for a play date. We had a ton of fun. Holly always loves a chance to play with some new toys. Isabel blew some bubbles for the girls which they really liked.

Holly though, was all about those teeth still. First she found a familiar little ducky to chew on, but a girl after her Mommy was able to multitask and play with the orange Dino and chew at the same time.

It was a balancing act though, sometimes it is hard to walk around and chew and keep your balance all at once. And then again, sometimes you just need those fingers to get back there and chomp. Her little mouth is like a Parana, with the front and back tips of each tooth sticking out and skin still in the middle she looks like there are about ten in there.

After some playtime the girls got hungry and we had lunch Sarah style. One thing that Sarah does that Holly hasn't had a lot of opportunity to do it play with her food and feed herself. She does eat puffs and cheese, but not a lot of other stuff. Isabel makes most of Sarah's food for her and this is how they do it.

First she gets a pile of rice cereal. The girls liked running there finger's through this. it was simply just a little pile of the dry flakes. Then she will take the homemade puree's and put little globs into the cereal. It gets coated this way and reminded me of a rum ball. I think the homemade food is a little thicker, but it stayed together really well, and with the rice coating it was easy to pick up and pop in your mouth.

Holly played with it a little bit, but she wasn't all about trying the new things and she mostly ate the cheese and Cheerios. She did pick up and examine a few of the blobs and perhaps taste them a little bit.

The two puree's we tried is a chicken and veggie combo, which was boiled and then shredded and then purred chicken and carrots. It was a very smooth consistency. The other one that Isabel made for us was prunes boiled with egg and blended. This had a little bit of a gritty texture which Holly wouldn't eat that day, but I brought it home with me and the next day with a bit of yogurt mixed in she ate it all which was great since she has been a bit constipated.

The living room wasn't quiet baby proofed yet, so even though I let Holly wonder around a bit, her and Sarah also played in the pack and play while we cleaned up and got ready for a walk. Sarah is showing Holly her favorite Smiley face ball here.

She played with the little doll and found more to chew on. She was sure to gnaw on anything she could get her hands onto. Once I had to run back upstairs while holly was playing because I forgot the camera and she got upset and started to cry. But then when I came down the stairs I peeked over and said peek a boo and she smiled and was better. But I am really seeing that she is having some major separation anxiety issues.

Another time I had to go to the bathroom and the entire time she was crying and upset to. I mention this because I am really wanting to find a babysitting solution, and Isabel and I discussed maybe doing a swap, but Holly freaks the moment i am not in the room, so I don't know what to do.

Sarah and Isabel live near Point Richmond Marina, and we took a walk with the girls down on the dock around the bay. We borrowed Sarah's umbrella stroller, as I forgot to put my stroller back into the trunk after moving it for our Costco trip but she didn't mind and enjoyed the walk.

The girls were especially excited to meet the other families out talking a walk too. These geese with there baby gosling was one of the highlights of the day and the girls were very intrigued.

Holly was excited and wanted to get out to play, but she didn't mind hanging out in the stroller as long as we kept moving, so that we did.

Following close by was the goose family and we simply chatted and walked around watching them.

It was so cute how the baby stayed int he middle between the mommy and the daddy.

and if he ever lagged behind they would pause and wait for him and then encourage him to keep going.

We took a few breaks to check them out and talk to and greet the dogs and Holly was happy to play with her feet, she didn't like being covered up. I wanted to give her a little extra protection fromt he suna nd the wind. I had forgotten her hat, but I did put sunscreen on her face and hands.

It was a beautiful sun shiny day. We left for the walk around 5:45, so it was late afternoon, there was a cool breeze, but it was still pretty warm.

At the end of the walk all the way around the little bay there was a park.

Holly was excited to get a chance to get out of the stroller and play in the park.

Of course that meant a stop at the swings. Sarah and Holly sat back to back and they both giggled and laughed and really enjoyed it.

She was very interested in the different textures and enjoyed playing in the sand and checking out the soft turf. She also did really good and didn;t even try to eat it.

While the girls were playing they met two little sisters who came over and introduce themselves.

We had a wonderful play date and such a fun time both at Sarah's house, along our walk, and at the park. It was so fun that we didn't realize how the time had gone by and it was almost 8:00 by the time we got back to Sarah's and it was time for us to go home.
1 comment:
Good to see you both out and about with friends and having a good time. What wonderful weather and beautiful places to go to too. A pleasure to read. xx
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