So this is the area where the swings are. Unfortunately they were big kid swings, so Holly had to sit on my lap to swing.

This is where the creek ends into a little pond, on Warm days the kids run and play in the water.

Isn't this the most beautiful park. It is so intricately carved, it looks like a tree house from Swiss Family Robinson or something.

This is a little train, Holly had fun walking around in here back and forth through the door and around the engine.

I love this Frog, it is carved into the cement on the pathway between the two FROG Parks. This little raccoon was carved on the underside of the play structure, I love all the hidden details.

I can;t wait until Holly is big enough to go down this slide, isn't it amazing, It is so tall and way twisty.

Underneath one of the play area's is this climbing spider web. In another secret area there is a tire swing. One of the things amazing about this park is how it is so Kid oriented, little secret passageways and places where adults don't really "fit"

This is on the back side of the Play Structure I love this carved tree and all the butterflies and fish and a little whole for the little ones to climb into and have there secret club house.

I peeked inside and there is even a carving of the back of the Raccoon and a little baby one too. The attention to detail is so amazing.

We spent most of our time playing with the Giant Turtle in the Sand Pit. There were lots of fun left over buckets and shovels for Holly to use and can you believe that amazing mosaic.

She enjoyed spinning the wheels on the dump truck, filling the containers with sand, and shoveling in the dirt.

Joel climbed up onto the platform, surveying the park, to see what was all around and then took a peek through the train window.

Of course I had to get a picture of Holly sitting in the window of the train engine too, she is my little engineer! Choo Choo.

This is a wavy slide, Holly couldn't walk up to it on her own, or go down it by herself, but holding onto daddy she loved sliding down and had so much fun!

I think Joel had fun too. Overall we had a blast at the park, I had fun seeking out all the little details, Holly had fun exploring and playing in the sand. The park was indeed too old for Holly, but we have been a few times and always had fun because there is room to run and explore even though I have to keep a really close eye on her.

Holly goes down the long and wavy slide. Then she ges Up again, she goes down, and then she goes up again . . . Nothings gonna keep me down.....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=typ_UM33iwADouble Take
Slides - 1/2 - There are a ton of slides, but Holly needs our help to go down them, at least until she is older.
Swings - 0 - There are big kid swings, which Holly know knows how to swing on her belly, but there aren't any baby swings.
Surface - 0 - The ground is mostly dirt, tree bark, sand, but the sand is the dirt sand, and wood, which can cause splinters, concrete, grass, and then there are rocks int he water. So not the safest of "ground" but when she is a big kid it won't matter.
Shade - 1 - There is lots of shade and trees and even though there are sunny areas there are places to play under the structure too.
Climbing - 1/2 - There are lots of places for Holly to climb, although I can follow her everywhere and they aren't all safe.
Parking - 1 - There is street parking in a hidden loop behind the park and on Claremont under the highway, not a lot, but I think a fair amount of street spots.
Bathrooms - 0 - No
Distance - 1 - It is less then 10 minutes from our place in Temescal a cool "hip" neighborhood in Oakland.
Friends - 1 - There are always kids playing at the park, one time we went and met a mom with three little girls who all loved playing with Holly in the San Pit.
Fun - 1- Holly had a lot of fun, even if she couldn't participate in everything. This park was indeed a lot of fun.