Today was a really fun day. It started off with Holly waking up late, 9:45, which was a good thing, since I was going to my old mother’s Group from 10:30-12:00 and I didn’t want her to be napping at that time. She we got everything together dropped daddy at work and went. It was a lot of fun, Jennifer the facilitator was excited to see me and when she heard I quit my job she was thrilled. Lucas and his mom where there and they remembered how much I was struggling with the decision to go back, and then no one saw me for 2 months, so they figured I was back and living life. It was nice to have this discussion forum.

There was a very cute little 10 months old in a CBGB shirt, and there was another 9 month old who was pulling herself up and starting to lean on momma. She had an older brother, and we talked about what to do when the older kids pick on the younger ones. Jennifer recommended that we should not intervene, unless the child is in danger of getting hurt, because if you scold the older child for taking away the tow, you don’t empower the younger one to stick up for themselves.

It was an interesting discussion, so then I asked what I should do always worried about Holly scratching the younger babies, and she said that I should simply open her hand and pet there face and say nice, gentle, ect. So when Cliff the 11 month old walker (holding one of moms hands) came over to play with holly I let her reach out towards him, and he ended up reaching towards her face, so his mom took his hand and said nice, and it seemed to work. She was happy to have a play mat that was bigger than her and very interested in his walking.

After the mother’s group holly took a nap in her car seat as we headed over to tumble and tea for some lunch. I had a yummy grilled chicken pesto Panini sandwich and a green salad. When holly woke up we went over to the play area, there was another little boy named Julian playing, he had on a cute shirt that said Yo, Ho, Ho and a bottle of Milk, with a pirate crossbones on his bottom, he also had on flame leg warmers as knee pads and a cute blue helmet. He was learning to pull himself up, and really liked my skirt, he would hold onto it, and my leg and then pull to a stand, once he was there, he didn’t quite know what to do. His mom was nice and we chatted a bit. Later he played with Holly inside the matted area, and they had one of those toys with the wiggly wires all about and the round beads that you push along the wire, and Holly played with it, she would find a single bead and twirl it, and then slide it up and down the wire.

The two of them played pushing beads back and forth. Holly was quite intrigued with his helmet and wanted to touch it, then later when he was crawling, he went right over to her and gave her a kiss… I’m sorry boys, I know Holly has quite a few boyfriends, but the little flirt got her first kiss from Julian, a boy she just met at the café… naughty girl that she is.. She giggled and laughed, and I just started cracking up. Earlier he was kissing his mom, and I noticed because when Holly gives me kisses she opens her mouth and then basically pushes her face into my check, she doesn’t quite have it down yet, and so I was watching Julian kiss his mom and it was a little more advanced, he would close his mouth, go to her cheek, plant his lips then when he pulled away smack them by opening his mouth, it was quite adorable, and he was so quick with his crawl, I didn’t see it coming when he kissed Holly.

Later I had to change Holly, she was storing up a big poopie from the Sweet Peas she had yesterday, and Julian and his sister Rory left while we were getting changed. Next Kelly came by with her nanny, now Kelly looked like she was about 1 years old, she weighs at least 5 lbs more than holly if not 10, she was a big girl, and she was only 7 months, she was not crawling or walking yet, and Kelly and Holly played for a while. Her nanny was very sweet, she didn’t speak a lot of English, Kelly’s mom worked from home a few blocks away and the nanny comes in 2 days a week.

Then Shilo and her little girl Isha came to play, and isha weights 19 lbs, but looked not much bigger then Holly, and much smaller then Kelly, which makes me think Kelly must be about 25 lbs, and Isha was 11 months old, and she was already walking, she didn’t like to walk without holding her mom’s finger, but she also crawled and she was super fast, she was 0-60 across the room in about 5 seconds flat, so she had her mom running around after her. Isha was very sweet. Margo stopped in to say hello she was 15 months and walking by herself and with her dad.

Later two other mom’s with their also 7 month old babies stopped in to play, and we talked about eating habits, both of these girls eat baby food 2-3 times a day, and one just started eating these cracker things, that I guess are like biscuits, that I need to look into, and neither of them have teeth, but apparently these cracker biscuits dissolve, they were much more advanced with the eating then we were, but there mom’s started then at around 5 months, so they had a bit of a head start, Isha is already eating grown-up food and she eats whatever her mom and dad are having for dinner, I was amazed, but her mom started her on food at like 3 months old, so she has been doing it a long time.

Holly had a lot of fun playing with all of the babies, and she enjoyed the play area and new toys, once while I had her sitting and playing, she tucked her legs underneath her and then pulled herself up, the problem was that the side was about waste height, and she was standing, but had her head on the side, so she was bent over in half, she didn’t quite get that she needed to use her arms to push the rest of her body upwards, so I took her hand and helped her the last bit of the way, then holding her hands we walked over to the archway, which was arm / chest height and I let her grab on.

She stood there for a few minutes not sure what to do next, and then she fell backwards onto her but, she was quite amused with herself. She met several other babies and had a great time, but she was getting fussy, and after I fed her sleepy, and since they were closing in a few minutes we headed home. She fell fast asleep in the car and is taking her afternoon nap now.

After Holly’s nap she had some more peas, today was really bad, she would whine in protest, and sadly this cry / whine meant her mouth was open and mean mamma used that as an opportunity to sneak in some more peas. I only gave her about ½ of what was left less than a 1/3 of the container I think, tomorrow I will mix it with Oatmeal to see if she likes that better, Joel says it tastes good, but the flavor is strong and very different from any she has had before.

I think she is teething still, I mean she hasn’t broken skin yet but she was really fussy again tonight, we got her to fall asleep at around 10 but she has woken up twice crying for no reason, then falls back asleep once I give her the pacifier. I hope the teeth come in soon and move on. I am worried she might be getting sick, her nose was stuffy and she threw up some last night and a little bit tonight, not bad like it was a few weeks ago, but still that same gag reflex when she coughs and well, the cough several weeks later is still there.
1 comment:
That place sounds like a lot of fun. I love that picture of Holly smiling at the end, what a smile!
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