Thursday, October 23, 2008

Last day in Virginia

I am trying to catch the blog up, and feel very behind, so sadly I am going to fast forward through Saturday and give you what is basically a slide show of a few remaining Virginia pictures.

While in Virginia we were sure to keep Holly up on all of her exercises and practicing crawling and tummy time. Here is a picture of her on all 4’s

Late Friday Night, Holly’s Uncle Alan and his girlfriend Jessica Arrived. They drove down all the way from NY to visit with us, and of course to see Granny as well.

We had a lovely afternoon with them on Saturday.
In the morning Holly went for a walk with her Granny’s and her dad and Uncle. It was a wonderful cool day, so her granny made sure she was wrapped up and warm.

They went to a path that went through some woods, and had a nice time in the cool breeze.

At around Lunchtime, some cousins of Irene came to visit, Dan and Pauline. They very much enjoyed meeting Holly. Also Cousin Betty was visiting, she brought Holly a little Lamb, and it was very sweet and cute.
Holly loved being the center of attention. For lunch we had a feast of meats, cheeses, chicken salad, and the “Green Stuff” which is a Jell-O salad.
That night we stayed up really late to watch Sarah Palin with Tina Fey on Saturday Night live, it was very amusing.
Holly was very intrigued with her Uncle Alan’s Beard, and had a lot of fun playing with all of the new people; she was the constant center of attention.
Since the weather was so nice Holly wore a sweater that was a gift from her great granny Irene, it is this Winnie the Pooh Sweater.
By the end of the day Holly was exhausted by all the activity.

1 comment:

CarolineThomas said...

Now that's what I'm talking about, seeing them together just confirms it, I think Holly is a lot like Alan. Doesn't he look different with a beard? Loved all the pics!