Monday was a fun day. Holly got to come with mommy to work. Mommy works (for 4 more days) at a Health Science College. One of the programs here is nursing. In nursing they have a pediatric course, and on Monday they were learning about giving a health assessment to a baby. Well of course that means they need a "Standardized Patient - Actress" to play the part of the baby, and Holly got the roll.
She did such a good job, acting cute, chewing on everything in site, trying to take the stethoscope, displaying object permanence, when she followed a toy that she was dropping. Modeling her belly, and truck, her back and fontanel. She was quite the star patient, and didn't mind an audience of 30 student's one bit.
She even made friends with the other actress, Sarah, a 4 and 1/2 year old, playing the part of toddler.

After her performance as "baby" she realized it was way past her nap time, and on cue fussed for a bottle after which she fell fast asleep. Not wanting to disturb her, and knowing how tired she was, Mommy walked all the way across campus while she napped to visit some other co-workers and show her off. She old dozed her typical 25 minutes and woke refreshed with a big smile for one co-workers, who was amazed that she would wake up so happy. her face frowned for a moment then, but turned saw that mommy was still around, and went back to a huge smile, and to pay attention to her new fan.

After we went to another friend's office, where Holly decided she needed a change, and played on her lovely couch. it is made of scratchy fabric, so holly really enjoyed feeling the new texture. Then it was time to bring her back to daycare, as the day had been long, and the people she met many.
When I picked her up, she played with me and ate but was very tired, so much so in fact, that she fell asleep on Mommy's bed at around 7:00 was transferred to her crib around 10:30, and didn't wake up until 6:00 AM.. That's like 11 hours.. wow.. that is a long time. Daddy had missed her, since she was already asleep when he got home, but he got to feed her at 6:00 AM, and she was up again by 8:00, and this time with a vengeance, she had soooo much energy, she was bouncing off the walls, and right out of her play nest.

She looks adorable! What a cutie!
She is beautiful! Love the outfit. I made a few outfits for Chelsey when she was MUCH younger...I don't think I've ever made anything for the boys; it's just not the same.
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