Saturday, August 23, 2008

Red Horsey

Red Horsey
Originally uploaded by

Saturday 8/23

Holly is such a big girl. She is already 14lbs 5oz. She is so happy, and animated and learning so many skills so fast. On Friday we went swimming again, and she had a lot of fun. She was a little tired and low key, but it was good. We saw Cole and Aleutia and plan to make a playdate. On Saturday she spent the morning playing with Daddy, they did ocean time, and he read to her and played with all of her toys. She was very smiley when I woke up.

We played some new games. One with a ribbon that she pulls through a paper towel tube. It was cool. For now she just wants to eat the ribbon, but after a few tries she would keep pulling it and watch it float around. We also played the blanket game, where we would rock and swing her in a blanket and even bounce her up and down. Tomorrow I am going to try it with a ball. We played on the bed, and she is getting so very intent on specific things, and she will almost sit on her own, and she is reaching for specific toys she wants. It was fun to play on the bed as I could let her climb and roll all over me, and sit and fall over without worrying that she would bump her head again.

As usual I took a lot of pictures. Daddy has been playing the alphabet animal game with her, where he thinks of animals from each letter and says, what sound does an armadillo, bee, cat, dragon, ect make and then makes the sound. He thinks of all kinds of crazy sounds and makes me laugh. We watched baby Beethoven and Mozart while playing with her balls and toys today, and we had a flash card story, where i took all the cards in the toy group and made up a story about each one. It wasn't a very good, cohesive story, but it was basically using each picture to prompt the next line and show them to her. A the moment she only wants to eat them, but hey, I am all about exposing her early.

Speaking of which, we tried out the bouncer again, and I was amazed. her legs still do not reach the floor at all, but with three books she can push up on them and she is using her arms and reaching for the toys, which she has never done before. She grabbed one of them with both hands like handle bars and she actually rotated herself about 270 degrees around. She even grabbed the fly toy, with her left arm, which was tucked into the seat, and brought it to her mouth. She played and was quite fascinated for about 20 minutes. Then our pizza came, and she was a little fussy, so I tried out the swing, and she was wide awake chattering to herself swinging for another 20 or so minutes just in time for me to finish eating and then she wanted mommy again. I took some more video's of her today, and I think she is teething some more, but we can't tell if it is a third tooth or not. She is getting better and better at holding her bottle herself, and I always let her start it and then hold it when she gets tired.

Holly also peed on me twice today, the first time I was taking her over to her crib for some naked baby play time, and had just taken off her diaper. I didn't give her a chance to pee before moving her, and she peed on my shirt. I cleaned her up and weighted her, then she played with her mobile while I put away some of her cloths and cleaned up the room. She was starting to get fussy, so I decided to listen to her and thought she must need to pee again. We made it back to the changing table, but she peed on the chuck, before I put the diaper on. I am getting better at listening, and she is getting really good at communicating. Sometimes with a whimper/whine noise, others with a look or gesture or reach. She is making more and more happy baby noises and I truly think that she sings when I play music for her, and she does it to entertain herself when sitting in the car seat and she thinks no one is listening ;-)

It was tough getting her to go to sleep tonight, but that is mostly because she took an almost 2 hour nap in the late afternoon. I had her asleep but then when i went to put her down in the crib she woke up and it took me another hour. Mind you, I love singing to and rocking her but I was so hot with her against me, it was so sweet though she wanted to touch my face and held onto my nose mouth and cheek. Finally i had to swaddle her as if she wasn't touching my face she would flail around and wake herself up, so i could not put her down otherwise, now she is sleeping soundly. She is so strong supporting her weight on her legs and even practicing balance, and reaching for toys. I sorta wish I could stay home until she was able to sit up well on her own, as I think that would make day care easier, she would be less dependant on people who were not her mommy and didn't know her every wish and need.

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