When we can, when we are awake, and when Mommy has the motivation, we head over to the Albany Library at 4:30 on Wednesday's for Music time.

It's a lot of fun, and very different from Music Class. The teacher is a bit cooky and sings all types of neat folk songs, and other songs that are not typical of what we hear at other places.

We ran into our friend Nathan and his mom Irene. We hadn't seen them for a long time, but now we run into them quite often at the Library, it is a lot of fun. We know Nathan from our Special needs Playgroup.

Another thing that is really fun about the class is that the kids get to play with the instruments for the entire session, there are several tambourine's, many shakers, and a few crackle makers.

Its fun for them to play with the instruments the entire time. Holly is also eager to make friends with the teacher so that she can play with the guitar.

Here is Holly with one of those "Crackle" maker's I don't know what they are actually called. But the bend and make little clinky noises, they are fun to play with.

We were hoping to see Sarah, she almost always comes with us to the library, but on this particular day I didn't call Isabel to tell her that we were going to go until 5 minutes before while I was driving.

The class is pretty short, only about 30 minutes, but we sure do pack in a lot of content, many neat songs, little dances, and imitation games. Recently we have been singing and playing "London Bridge"

Holly is in the habit now of rolling around on the floor, I am not sure where it comes from, she will lay down with her but sticking up then eventually roll over, she doesn't lay her legs flat yet, her knees are always up.

After the Music Session we went into the children's area of the library, there is a little computer there, the kids were playing a game. Holly was very intrigued. We hung out for a few minutes and then headed home.
1 comment:
That's so good for the library to be part of your regular routine. And music class looks like lots of fun. Does the teacher sing "Dancing with Bears"? I love that song.
Love, Granny
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