Here we are playing at Sadie Dey's and having a blast!

This is one of the first time I am using my new camera out, and the pictures amaze me.

They are just so clear and in focus you can see every detail of Holly's cute little face.

Look at how tall she has gotten, stretching up and holding on above the slide.

She is becoming a regular little monkey with all of her climbing.

I bite my tongue as I think it, but before long she will be on top of this play structure.

She is growing up before my eyes, I see little changes every day.

She is really getting into the routine of things now.

The other day we arrived at Sadie Dey's and she was fussing and upset, pointing at her hand.

She was mad because Sarah had a stamp, but the Owner Sue left before giving her one, and she knew she couldn't go play without one.

Then she waits patiently for Mommy to order some dinner.

When it is ready and she sees me carry it to our table, she runs across the cafe for a high chair.

Then she sits and waits for me to come and get it for her to bring to the table.

She knows she gets Mac and Cheese and Fruit whenever we go, and we go at least once a week.

This is Max. He is a new friend of ours from the Sadie Dey's Mom's Group we are member's of.

His mom Felicia is new to Alameda. Our Mom's group meets every Thursday from 4:30-5:30

It is wonderful for Sue the Sadie Dey's owner to sponsor such a wonderful mom's group.

It is a great community, and we meet new members all of the time.

This is such a great play space as well. In the winter we stay warm from the cold.

In the summer we stay cool from the heat and sun.

I love Holly's little smile. She is such a cheeky monkey!

We are having a wonderful night playing with our friends, here is Chloe.

The girls are both starting to get bigger, more adventurous.

Soon they will be playing dress up just like these two, a Knight and a Lion.

I love the expressions they make, those smiles from ear to ear.

They tell a story with there eyes, the curiosity, the wonder.

The persistence and intent, even a mischievous look.

I love this action shot, the new ball pit is so much fun!

And this is one reason I love the new camera, so many neat flickers and action shots.

A ball in mid air. Holly loves to toss them here and there!

And that smile oh so wide! She just fills me with pride!

The girls are having so much fun playing with the ball Pit, I think it is one of the best improvements Sue has made.

This is another great action shot, Chloe looks like a teenager here, in this picture you can imagine what the girls will be like, grown up.

Maybe it is just the outfit she is wearing, the little fur vest.

It is interesting how different they can look with a change of cloths or hair style.

Holly's new thing is climbing in and out of these windows, its simply to easy to use the door.

And she is so proud of herself now that she has learned to rock on any number of riding toys.

It is a skill she practices often, and boy does she like to go fast.

Chloe patiently waits, when is my turn she wonders.

Yet still Holly rides on. But before Chloe gets too sad she lets her have a go.

The girls are really pretty good about sharing.

It back to the slide, one of there favorite things to do.

And I mean who wouldn't love to come rushing down with the wind in your hair.

This is a typical day for us at Sadie Dey's the girls love to play here.

And with every scrape or tumble, they just brush them selves off and befor eyou know it its "Go Go Go" again!
1 comment:
I heart your new camera too! Great pictures! Sadie Days looks like a lot of fun.
Love, Granny
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