It's been a while since our last visit to Super Franks, and we were very excited to go upon returning to California from our Christmas vacation.

Holly was eager to run and play and have a wild old time. Every time we go there is something new she can do and get into, which is exciting.

Here we are upstairs in tot town. its pretty neat, its not like the Japanese Children's City, but there are buildings with little make believe play area's inside each one.

Holly found a drum to play. I like this one a lot because the sticks are attached and she can't lose them.

Here is the first of her two new skills for the day. it is riding on the See Saw. She is actually riding it like a rocking horse and having such a fun time.

Later she climbed on not in the center and thumped down and didn't rock, she was not happy about that. Here is a video of her going up and down!
Later she decides to explore each little play room, which she is starting to do more. Once she decides that the floor is solidly glued down, she was ready to sit and play at the table.

I think this little train table is a new addition to the upstairs play room. I think upstairs is much more laid back and relaxing, even if there is seemingly more to do downstairs.

This is really cute, it is another riding toy or rocking Fish? She is into climbing into or onto things there days and though she still struggles with the propelling forward, she is starting to get the back and forth rocking.

Here we are downstairs and we are looking at Mommy having a "Heart Attack" as for the first time Holly climbs all the way to the top of the bouncy slide and comes rushing down the slide.

I was so afraid she would fall, or decide she didn't want to go down the slide, I was scared stiff, but so proud of her climbing up on her own, using the rope to pull her self up, and she was laughing with glee as she flew down the slide.

Here she is riding yet another rocking horse, she is really into them now so we brought hers up for her to play with, but it is really high for her still she can fall off, so she needs to be supervised when riding.

I'm not convinced she can get hers to rock as well either, as she puts her whole body into it, but on hers she uses all of that energy to concentrate on her balance to keep from falling off.

I am sure with practice she will be great. She can do this slide now on her own, and just a few months ago she couldn't climb up onto the platform to get to the side.

I am amazed at how fast she acquirer new skills, which is another wonderful benefit of taking her to so many fun places to play, she gets to try out all kinds of things she doesn't have at home, which she loves to do.
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