Well we certainly have an iPhone family, it's no wonder Holly is so good at using it! We are at dinner here with my parent's.

It was still before Christmas, I think perhaps Joel had just arrived, we went driving to see lights, in Florida they are so elaborate.

Here is Holly making her usual mess dumping out every toy she owns to peruse her loot. This is after Christmas, as you can see the Muno Guitar in the pile.

But I think her most favorite toy, the one sadly we could not bring home with us, was her new bestest friend Mizar.

She loved the dogs so much, she cuddled them, sat on them, climbed on them, rode them, gave them kisses, she even tried to play chase with them.

I having a feeling her furry friends will miss her too, though I think they will enjoy the rest, as she kept them on there paws for her almost four week visit.

Here she is up and about ready to "Go, Go, Go" we were a little cooped up on occasion, as the weather was either too Hot, or Too Cold, (Goldilocks was in California - Where it was just right)

On this particular day we had to run to the pet store to pick up some Doggie food so Holly was excited to come in and take a look around.

She made friends with the Birdies, but I think the fish were her favorite. I remember when I was a kid they had kittens and puppies in pet stores you could look at and play with.

I guess they don;t do that any more. They do have mice, and lizards, and gerbils, and Guinna pigs, all manner of furry little creatures, that Holly enjoys looking at.

It is really hard to see in this picture, but that is frost on the ground, and its not that early in the morning (you know me) it was that cold in Florida, I think on that day it was down to 25 degrees.

Arg! She Says, hanging out with the pirate crowd, Holly sure makes friends everywhere she goes! Someone who likes to play dress up more then she does :-)

And speaking of Friends, even at the airport on the way home, she met a Juggler, and she wanted to play with his balls, and politely asked him "More" so he would keep juggling. Such a cutie!
1 comment:
Holly really should star in an I-phone commercial!!!
Who is the pirate?
Florida looks like fun. Come visit again soon!
Love, Granny
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