Sunday, September 13, 2009

San Pablo Park

After playing with Sarah, Holly was still very active and not really ready to go home. Isabel had to do some shopping we decided to head to the park by our house.We had been so busy with play dates and swimming and new parks that we hadn't actually been to our park for a while. It was a chilly late afternoon, so Holly had her hoody up.She is really good at climbing around the train now, and even exploring new areas like climbing in and out of this "hideout" she doesn't even miss a step any more.She is starting to climb on and explore the see saw's as well, but there weren't any other kids to try it out with her on this day. Mommy made an attempt to rock her on it, but it wasn't the best.After a while Holly wanted to pull out her sand toys to play. At the previous park the older boys broke the handle of her bucket, so she wasn't able to carry it around like she likes.But she has other buckets she can play with too. She isn't really that proficient with a shovel yet, but is starting to fill the buckets with handfuls of sand.She is fascinated with the handles, and figuring out how it works, how to carry it, and of course dump it out.This is another new bucket that she was filling and then dumping out on the slide. Two little boys joined us at the park and were also playing in the sand.Holly was intrigued and wanted to join in. The one little boy buried his Buzz Light Year and Holly wanted to pull it out of the sand, but I was able to redirect her.To the other little boy's Buzz Light Year. I was able to make a temporary trade for a bucket and she was happy to play with Buzz.Eventually she wanted her bucket back and instead of filling it with sand she walked around like it was a purse. She is such a sweetie. It is so neat how she uses one object for another purpose.And then of course, she also even lets me know when she is ready to go home. Off to the door she goes and Mommy follows carrying all of her other toys. It was a fun late afternoon, but we were ready to go and pick up Daddy.

1 comment:

CarolineThomas said...

I'm starting to recognise this park now, I love the cool train. Holly looks cute with her hood up. Those seesaws are so hard to rock, I agree! What a shame the boys broke her bucket handle :( Love that pic of Holly at the bottom of the slide, just such a cute little grin!