We recently went on a Play date at Erik's house. The theme was "T @ Erik's" Mom had Tea for Us, and Erik had T-Ball to play with the kiddies. We were running late as the play date was in Alameda and it was a mess getting there. Traffic and a detour on the bridge.

But we were glad to have come as we saw a familular face and also met some new friends. The kids didn;t end up playing T-Ball while we were there, but they had a blast int he back yard. Cynthia (Erik's Mom) had the brilliant idea of having his "kitchen" in the back yard, and the kids loved it.

Enzo, a new friend and his mom Diana were a lot of fun. He was just a few months older then Holly, and he took the bin of "food" out and dumped it. The kids had a feild day then playing. Holly loved picking them backup and putting them into various cupbords.

There in the Back ground is maura, she is such a sweetie. Her mommy Robin recently had a baby. It is amazing that she is out of the house, but even more admirable is that they are about to move half way across the world to India for 2 years for her husbands work. They are about to embark on a great adventure, but she will be missed.

We didn;t get a lot of time to chat, as they were heading out shortly after we arrived, but she updated us on her move, and the international travel doctor stuff when you are dealing with a infant, its scary the medical stuff you have to think about and worry about traveling like that.

Here are Enzi and Holly sharing a snack. it is about the only thing they shared that day. She kept trying to follow him around and play with what he was playign with, and he wasn;t very excited about that.

Here he is helping clean up a bit, of course that means Holly wants to play with the cool broom too. Enzo was a sweetie though.

While we were outside Erik and Liliana went upstairs because Cynthia was getting something for Charity (liliana's Mom) and she hurt herself. Actually Erik accidently shut her finger in a door, so Enzo and Holly stayed outside and played for a while until things calmed down a bit.

But after a bit we all went upstairs and holly got to play in Erik's room and with his cool Frog tent. She had fun exploring a new area.

Here is Liliana feeling much better. She is very tall and so beautiful. She is only about 3 and such a smart girl and she played really well with the younger babies.

Here Holly is chasing after the boys, she isn't quite tall enough to climb up onto the seat like Erik and Enzo. We had a fun time playing, and it was nice to get to chat with the mom's. When we are at someones house, i get much more opportunity to talk, then when we are at the park. It's great.
Playgrounds and parties! Holly and you have a good life! Looks like fun. Their house looks big!Holly always looks so engaged and into what she's doing.
Love, Granny
I dunno what 'T' ball is but tea in the garden sounds fun. Love the velcro pizza and birthday cake toys always one of Georgias favourites when she was little. What a cool frog tent!
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