Here is Holly trying on her new digs before we head to the beach and the parks with Water. I love those little sun glasses, she likes playing with them, bu they don;t stay on for more then about 3 seconds. Her little clogs are wonderful, but they don't really fit her yet. She tries to walk in them, but they have large soles and are squishy and too big. In a few months we will try again.

Here is the little miss playing with her Magna Doodle! She is actually "Drawing" I am so amazed. She loves taking the little animals off of the top and is just learning to use them to imprint the shapes, but she mostly takes the pen in and out and scribbles with it. It is much easier to draw with the magnets then having to apply real pressure of a crayon, but this is how you learn.

Doesn't she look like I could be sending her off to school with her book bag. I love this little back back on her, and once she has a few favorite toys she can put them in her bag and carry them around with her when we go out to play. But in the mean time, it was fun to put it on her for the picture. Unfortunately she will need a real back pack much too soon.

This is Holly's new baby doll. She loves to take the hat off and "try" to put it back on. She uses the doll in speech therapy with Stephanie and they feed the doll with a spoon and give her a bottle and a kiss. It is amazing the imitation she does. She amazes me every day.

I know... A Scary picture. She is mad about something here, and well with all the cute and happy pictures I always post, I wanted to share a grumpy one. Holly has a thing about other people touching her or getting into her personal space. So my guess is that in this picture, Sienna is trying to close the door on the house, or go through it which just makes holly very mad, so she is having a fit. She is really upset, on one hand, but on the other its like elephant tears, because as soon as I pick her up, hold her and remove her from the offending situation she is all giggles and smiles again. I think this has something to ho with her sensory issues.

I wanted to share this picture of Joshua. He is such a sweetie. He is about 20 months old now and is really starting to blossom, he is often very shy. I think Holly was having a hard day though, as she tried to follow him into the toy box and crawl on top of him into the other one (see she doesn't mind getting into other people's personal space) and Joshua didn't like that much so he slapped her. Poor Holly, she started to scream, and then Joshua started to scream, but she was fine. It took about 15 seconds to calm her back down, and by then Joshua wasn't in the toy box any more, as his mom (Horrified and apologetic) removed him, so Holly climbed in happy as a climb.

One last picture from our play date at Chloe's, This is Sienna, I think she is about 34 inches tall and she is just 14 months, she is a big girl. She is still getting the hang of walking, she she has the tendency to sort of hang on things and people as she is getting around, Holly is not a fan of this, but I keep letting her get into these situation, because really having other kids in your space is a way of life, especially if one day she has a little sibling that she will have to share her space with, so i comfort her, but don't try and prevent it before it happens.

I guess this is the post of angry faces. Here we are at Willard park off of Derby, one of our favorite parks, better known as the "doggie" park by Sarah and Isabel. I think in this picture she is frustrated because she is having trouble climbing back up the side onto the bouncy surface. She was a little impatient with Mommy getting over to her and had a bit of a tantrum. I was trying to see if she would work through the frustration and keep trying, but balance that without letting her get to frantic. Its a fine line to walk.

Speaking of fine line... That's something that I would love your thoughts on, I totally get Holly and I push her to be out of her comfort zone but then provide a safe and comforting and secure place for her to go back to before she then reaches and pushes out again. So we are often in situations where it seems like she is grumpy and fussy and that she cries at every little thing. Other moms say, aww maybe she is tired, hungry, ect. But I know she just had a bottle, was recently changed, and woke less then an hour ago from a nap. She is just getting a little over whelmed and expressing her whininess of it, but still wants to "stay" yet these helpful moms give me looks like, hmmm maybe you should take her home for a nap she is unhappy... She isn't really, she is just working really hard at processing everything, and gets frustrated, and was taught how to express her feelings. I usually just ignore the comments, nod and smile or say, oh she just woke from her nap, but I don't want people to think I am a bad and neglectful mom because I let her stay at the park and continue playing when she is whiney and cranky and sometimes making those very unhappy faces.... Do you deal with this too, or do you just take your kids home?

Here she is happy as a clam pushing a baby around in its stroller, of course it was someone else's toy, but the little girl was a bit older and on the swing and decided to share and let Holly play with her toys, it was very nice of her. Here is little Sarah hanging out next to the Dragasaurus thinking about crawling over and climbing on. She really likes rocking back and forth on it. She is such a tough little girl, she will tilt over and fall off and not even notice, simply pick herself back up and move onto the next thing, I think holly would be hollering in about a split second flat, its interesting observing different temperaments and building a tool set to work with them all. So this was my random, extra pictures and random things post. Hope you enjoyed, coming tomorrow is the first of a 6 part series on our trip to Mendocino.
1 comment:
Sounds like she's doing great Vicki! I let my kids push through also. When did she start walking?
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