A few Sundays back we drove out to San Ramon to attend a Birthday Party for our Friend Benny who just turned two. We went to an amazing place called Central Park.

San Ramon is about a 35 minute drive for us, but it was so worth it. The park had two giant play structures and in the center was an amazing water feature.

This is a new sun safe "rag" suit I got for Holly so she could run around and play in the water without me worrying about her getting a burn. When we arrived we found our group over by the BBQ Pits and dropped off our stuff and said hello.

Holly was eager to go and play though, so we headed over to the play ground. When we first got there she was a little tentative, soaking it all in, but it was only a matter of minutes until she was off and ready to run and play.

She was eager to pick up some buckets and other toys, and Daddy followed her around. It was his first time seeing Holly with a lot of other kids.

He wasn't sure what the
protocol was, if it was ok to play with other kid's toys, and he also hovered like a mother hen. it was so adorable!

I had convinced him to wear shorts so that he could play in the water with Holly, he of course whined about it, but once we got there he was so happy that he did. He loved chasing Holly around in the water.

After a few minutes he gave her some space, and she had had so much fun. Running around in the water, splashing, going in towards the fountain, getting sprayed.

I love her new little swim suit, it was nice not to have to battle to get the sun screen on, or worry about her getting burned. The only thing was the little shorts, I ordered a 12 months size and it was still way too big on her.

After a while she ventured out and began to explore the water feature. There were little mini fountains that drained down the steps like a waterfall, she climbed down and then back up and enjoyed watching the water flowing.

And then of course she was eager to make friends. She found lots of little toys to play with and random shovels, buckets, and other sand items to splash.

Just over the wall was the play ground which had a sand ground. So many of the kids would take there buckets over to the water to fill them for there sand escapades.

I think I got a little carried away taking pictures she was just so cute and so happy playing in the water. Eventually we did head back over to the party.

Here I ended up taking off Holly's bottoms, and put just a swim diaper on her, this made it much easier for her to run around.

Benny is totally into Elmo right now and that was the theme of his party. So we got him a Sesame street themed pop up game similar to Holly's favorite toy.

The one where you turn a knob, push or pull a lever and then the animals pop open. In the case of the toy we got for Benny it was the Character's, Oscar, Cookie Monster, Elmo, Big Bird (I think) and they popped out, Oscar came out of his can, I think Elmo opens a door. it also had music.

Here is the little munchkin playing with a ball, and he hair is finally a little wet because she got close enough to the big mushroom fountain to let it spray her.

The party was amazing. There were so many people there, Benny has a lot of relatives. Even his great grand mother. She cooked an amazing pasta salad.

There was a lot of food, and it was soo good. A brisket, and pulled pork, which Holly really liked, Burgers and Hot Dogs, and lots of really good drinks. Punch for the kids, Root beer for me.

This is one of the two play grounds. There were so many cool slides and various places to climb and explore.

One thing that was so cool was how the play structured lined up with the grass on the second level. You could climb in from the side on the top or you could walk up the platforms.

I didn't take a lot of pictures at the party itself but that's Benny in the shorts walking around, and in the back ground is the BBQ. His grandpa spent the afternoon cooking up the meat. Oh so yummy!

This is the view behind our little seat on the grassy hill. The trees are so beautiful. It was nice to have large shaded areas with spurts of sunshine.

That's David Benny's Dad, and he is carrying Maddy who I think is about 8 months old in this picture. I think he is talking to Karen, one of the mom's from our meet-up group. Which is where I met Theresa, Benny's Mom.

Here is Holly back to the play ground. She loves these little two way windows.

Smooooshy face! Isn't she like the cutest thing you have ever seen!

I couldn't resist and had to post both of this pictures. She loves makes funny faces and squashing her nose up against the glass.

Here she is playing einney meany miney moe with the toe slides, deciding which one she will fly down.

Oh, and her other favorite thing is crawling through these tubes, back and forth, but of course she has to stop at the window.


It makes it all the more fun when daddy looks in and they go back and forth jumping to different windows. She loves this game.

But before long she is back to the slide, this time trying to climb up it. She isn't quite as talented as her new friend and needs Mommy's help.

This is Skylar, Dora's little one. We know her from the group as well. I love her little grass skirt. They came to the party just in time for yummy cupcakes.

Holly of course made it back to the water again, this time with even more toys to play with and explore.

But her favorite game was running circles around the fountain. The water was nice and cool on her feet.

The water was nice to keep cool on a warm summer's day. We played late into the evening. Going back several times, letting her dry off in the sun, play in the sand, get dirty, and then head back into the water. This is a little video of Holly playing in the water, previously posted.
Instead of a birthday cake there were delicious cupcakes and some really yummy fruit salad. Holly took a break to eat some of that as well, she drank some juice, and snacked. Over by the picnic area she was thrilled to play in the cooler with the ice.

Towards the end of the day we heard music, and realized there was a concert in the park. They were setting up for it hours ago when we arrived, but by the time we left, there was a huge crowd and the music was actually really good.

I guess since this is a park, I should rate it:
Slides - 1 - So many slides, some Holly can do on her own, other's she needs a hand with
Swings - 1 - Yes, I didn't post a picture, but she did run over and swing between playing in the water and the sand.
Surface - 1/2 - Mostly sand, some grass, but there was concrete around the water area, so some places where you could fall and get hurt, or that could get pretty hot.
Shade - 1 - Lots of shaded areas. Even in the water feature, part of it was shaded, and part in in the sun. There is also a nice breeze.
Climbing - 1 - Lots of places to climb, many platforms, tubes to climb into, even in the water feature there were multiple levels.
Parking - 1 - There were two large lots, one right by the play ground and another on the other side near the grassy music field
Bathrooms - 1 - There were bathrooms just around the corner from the playground near the BBQ and picnic tables
Distance - 0 - While it was so worth the drive, it was 35 minutes away, so a visit to the park would be an event rather then a chance happening.
Friends- 1 - So many other kids were playing in the sand and water and the play ground. A Lot of slightly older kids, but children Holly's age too, especially int he water, and lots of toys to share.
Fun - 1- So Much fun! I mean just look at the hundred smiles above!
Your pictures are so good I almost feel like I was there! What fun! The park looks great.
I'll bet Holly slept well that night!
Love, Granny
We are so there. Quinn loves water play.
Love the squishy face!
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