Our trip was so beautiful I had to include some random samplings of pictures we took of the landscape along the way. Here Holly is sleeping int he car during our 3.5 hour drive from Berkeley to the coast near Mendocino. After Santa Rosa the scenery was rolling hills, very picturesque.

Both the GPS and Google maps then advised us to turn on Mountain Blvd, sadly this was a mistake, and I "lost" about an hour on my GPS ETA due to the excessive curvy mountain roads. Luckily Holly slept until we got back onto Highway 1, just a few miles from our Beach House, but Sadly she still got car sick. I love the look of the redwoods out the back window.

When we arrived we discovered that our portable (attach to table) high chair didn't fit on the table due to the wide ledge. We improvised and decided to use the back pack carrier on the floor up against a side table and using her "home" high chair tray. Holly was hungry on arrival and we gave her some Yogurt, but she soon got bored and tried to feed daddy. I love this little video.
Later Holly's Granny wore her int he back pack which she made some coffee. We had just arrived and hadn't really unpacked or baby proofed yet, and she wanted to get into the kitchen, so by sitting in the back pack she was able to be int he middle of the action without getting underfoot.

Here are some beautiful beach pictures. I love the one of Ty in the distance framed by the Seagull. There were so many different beaches to explore. We stopped here for a moment, and at the time Holly was napping in the car, so I read for a few minutes and Joel took some pictures. The rest of the family took a walk and we headed back to the house.

I love this little Rock. I think this picture is so pretty. We saw so many wonderful beaches and laces, I love the sound of the waves crashing.

This pictures is really cool, I love the scattered rocks on the shoreline as the tide is coming in.

Here are some cliffs and a pretty tree blowing in the wind. The coast was mostly high with mostly cliffs, and narrow roads down to a few sandy beaches scattered hear and there.

This was a little river heading out to the ocean, I love the birds and the drift wood.

This is one of my favorite pictures. The crags and rocks busting out of the water and the blue ocean is so picturesque.

We saw miles of this stuff driving up and down the coast between Gualala and Mendocino.

I thought this was neat, it gives you an idea of the small curvy roads we were driving up and down as we travelled.

I believe this is looking down at Navarro beach, we didn't get a chance to go down to the sand here, but it was so pretty.

This was a neat little tide pool, it was similar to those at Russian Gulch, that made for accessible water without the freeze and strength of the ocean.

I love the waves crashing down on the shore here, there wasn't a lot of stretches of such pretty sand.

This is just outside of our house. In the distance you can see two little deers.

Here one stands alert watching us watch him.

And then of course jutting out across the lawn. Like a dancer in a Ballet, I love how her ears are back and she trots away.

This is a long and windy road. I drove down it to get to Irish Beach. The family walked up and down it several times, I don't think they could have stomached driving down. But it made for a nice walk when the Grannies needed to get out of the house and we were lounging around.

Then near the bottom was this path, steep, but you had to get from the top of the cliffs down to the ocean if you wanted to check out the water.

Here is a pretty hillside picture and a long windy road, there was no short supply of these, I love the colors so vibrant, red, green, bright.

So here are a bunch of random pictures from our trip that I stitched together, Most of my focus has been on Holly and activities around her experience at the beach, but I wanted to be sure to also convey the tranquility and beauty, of the place and the landscape.
Your pictures are amazing! The one of Ty is surreal. I love the beautiful rocks and the red plants.
love, Granny
PS and the cute video!
heheh you liked my trick photo of Ty and the seagull. Unfortunately his feet weren't exactly lined up, there's a tiny bit of ground that gives it away.
The redwoods look gorgeous, I remember their lovely smell in the rain. Totally cute video, Holly has really grown up since I last saw. The backpack was a genius idea whilst making coffee, it's good to see Jackie she looks well. The pictures of the beach are fabulous! I can just imagine the sound of the waves, my favourite picture is the one of the rocks and crags, very picturesque! It's amazing the deer come so close to the house, what a treat. I would love to drive down all the winding streets with you, sounds fun. The colours on the hill are amazing, very pretty. What a lovely place!
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