The Day we met at the Ball Park we decided to go out to dinner. We were Hungry but the girls weren't ready to stop playing yet. So I suggested we go to the Public market in

Both Richard and Joel work in the Neighborhood. So I picked up Joel on my way and Isabel and Richard met us there. I headed
strait over to the Ball Pit with Holly and let her loose.

Sarah was a bit tentative at first, but she quite enjoyed herself. They had the place to themselves for a little bit, and Holly got very confident and ventured out deep into the pit.

Later other kids joined them, and Holly wanted to be in the action. They were very mindful of the babies and were jumping and doing flips in the back

But Holly sort of enjoyed watching that and tried to get in on the action. She had a lot of fun watching what the older kids did and trying to emulate them.

I love this picture of the two dads and babies. Holly was ready for a bottle and needed a quick pick me up and Sarah
was just enjoying some Daddy time. But after both girls were in the High Chairs and Holly saw how well Sarah was eating and she ate so much, lots of chicken and rice and bread from our dishes. It was great.

After they played int he little space ship. The girls sat next to each other, I was impressed with Holly and allowing Sarah into her personal space bubble. We put in 50 Cents and it rocked back and forth. Holly loved it. When it was over and we took her out, she ran back and tried to climb back in, signing more more.
Here is a teeny tiny clip of there ride:
1 comment:
Those ball pit pictures are great, so colourful. Seems like a good place to meet up. I love the video of the car ride, Holly looks so interested in the whole thing and all the laughing made me laugh along. Great Dads pic too.
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