Holly is actually back on her game. I was starting to miss my happy go lucky baby and feeling in a rut of food and sleep battles but today was a good day! On Friday night she went to bed at 9:30 and she didn’t fuss and she stayed asleep until 10:30 this morning. I think the 13 hours did her some good. She didn’t want to eat breakfast, but mom got to sleep through that battle as Dad was up with her this morning. As typical she refused baby food but did snack on puffs. Mom didn’t sleep all day though, I woke up around noon and we played and she was so excited to see me. She crawled over to me and didn’t even want to let me go to the restroom. She is definitely in a clingy phase.
We laid down for her nap around 2:45 and she slept until 4:30. Mom and Dad worked out a deal this weekend. It is one of those Mini game Programming Contests, so Mommy gets to go to the movies and then she watches Holly an equivalent amount of time to let Daddy work on his game. So tomorrow I owe Daddy 4.5 hours of Programming time, and today just after Holly woke from her nap Mommy went to the movies.
So here is the Update from Daddy:
1. Holly is sad when Mommy leaves. The firt time I tried to leave I said goodbye and she tried to follow me out the door and was watching and seemed pretty distraught. So instead of leaving, I went and gave her a big hug and then Daddy took her into the other room to change her and I snuck out, and she didn’t even notice I was missing. (Until I got back, and she was exuberant – Waving her arms and repeating Mama. Joel reported that the only other time she had said Mama while I was gone was when he changed her, so he thinks she is starting to associate it with me.)
2. Holly was a happy cheerful Baby and they had a wonderful time
3. She ate an entire container of Bananas, even texting mommy with the good news. She ate it by the way with no tricks, she opened wide.
4. Holly learned about Gravity and thought it was Hilarious. Check out the Video Here: http://hollyzzdavis.blogspot.com/2009/02/hilarious.html
5. She likes snacking on Puffs
6. She had lots of fun bouncing.
7. She is a tornado that leaves a path of destruction where ever she goes.
8. Daddy and Holly are working on Colors
9. Oh this one is great! She is learning in. She likes to take the Ball from the pit and puts it into her shape sorter box. This was pretty good news from me, as I haven’t had much luck with “in” at all, though she certainly has mastered out.
Which reminds me. A few times she was able to put the Donuts “On” once on the correct stand, but it was easier to pit the large donut on the skinny stand from the block stacker, which was still great, so she is beginning to learn “In” and “On”
10. Holly knows what the remote control is for. We have watched a lot of those baby development shows, and they show how a baby will show a confused face when an object is used incorrectly, or doesn’t do what is expected. So today Daddy was moving the Remote Controls out of Holly’s Reach and she looked towards the TV and it didn’t come on. So looked back at daddy then back at the TV. Why wasn’t it working? So Daddy turned it on, and then off again and she was relieved that it worked just like she thought it should.
This reminds me that yesterday Holly learned about the Pause Button. She is into Cause and Effect lately, for example she knows that when she hits the big button on the phone it makes a dial tone – or hangs up on Oma – and yesterday she learned that when she hits the one yellow button in a sea of black ones on the Tivo remote Yo Gabba Gabba pauses. She had a lovely game of pausing and starting it over and over, making sure she knew just how it worked. This was confirmed later that night when she decided to pause the TV when Mommy and Daddy were watching 30 Rock during dinner. She was quite please with herself and to get our attention, especially when her efforts to get the food off our plate were not successful. Hey – I gave her a bite and she didn’t like it, but that didn’t stop her from coming back for more.
Also, I was a little concerned with the amount of time Holly has been watching TV this week. It isn’t a lot, maybe overall 2-3 episodes of Yo Gabba Gabba or Baby Einstein spread out over 1 day, but she has wanted to watch it almost every day, which is not typical. Usually it is 3 times a week maybe 1 episode each day. We really like Signing Time, and Language Nursery, but when she is cranky or I am trying to get her to nap we watch Lullaby Time or Symphony of Fun. This week it has been every day, several times, and she was cranky and it was the only thing I could do to sooth her, so I was worried that the TV was soothing her and spoke with Katie about it on Friday Morning. We live in an area where lots of people think “TV” is Evil, so I feel guilty about it. Katie however thought I was funny for worrying, and said if she is watching something developmental like Baby Einstein I should not worry, but even more so, she has been out of sorts, and slightly sick, and tired, so it is a good sign that she wants the stimulation, even when she doesn’t have the energy to be playful, but lastly she said she would rather her watch a few hours of TV to give Mommy a reprieve from the fussing and whining, then have me pulling out my hair, because then I am not at the top of my game. So all of this made me feel much much better.
Today we took Holly into the back yard. The ground was still sort of wet from the rain the last few days, so we put shoes on her which she kept knocking off and let her run around in her walker. http://hollyzzdavis.blogspot.com/2009/02/spaceship.html
We walked her around the yard and she specifically liked the Bambo, it tickled her head and she just giggled and scrunched her eyes in anticipation.
So here is mommy’s movie update. I went to see two movies today. First was, “He’s Just Not That Into You” which was a fun chick flick, it had a lot of Cameo’s and big name stars in it, it was a cute ensemble and I enjoyed it
Next was, “The Uninvited” So this was actually not my top choice of movies to see. I love Horror movies and there are a few out at the moment, but this one was at the lower end of my list. It happened to be playing at the right theatre and time so that I could see a double feature. I ended up loving this movie. There was a wonderful and unexpected twist at the end that was a delightful surprise, and rather than a horror it was much more a mystery thriller. But it totally reminded me of the Script I wrote, and gave me a lot of ideas on how to tighten it up and change a few things to bring it up a notch, so who knows maybe I will work on a revision sometime soon.
Simon’s 2019 Funnies
5 years ago
The key to t.v. is balance. As long as she's spending as much time playing, discovering and interacting, you're ok.
And, based on your account of the day, I think you've got the balance thing mastered.
Hi! Thanks for stopping by. Your daughter is gorgeous, by the way, but you probably hear that a lot. You seem the have the TV down to a good balance, I actually encouraged Sprite to watch some TV when she was that age, but she was all about crawling after the dogs at that time, and my mission was to give THE DOGS some peace and quiet! Sprite has paused our shows a few times herself, but we typically keep the remote away from her since it took us a week to get it off the FRE setting. And pausing during 30 Rock? NOT ALLOWED. That's time out potential right there.. :-)
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