Sunday, April 18, 2010

Wine and Whiners

Is this Wine and Whiners 3 or 4? It is a fun event that Rhonda hosts where we bring wine and cheese, and parents get to socialize while kids play.Here are Teagan and Chloe playing. Teagan is such a sweet and amazing little girl.It has been really fun watching her grow up and develop over the last 18 months. She is Autistic, but very high functioning.The first time we attended this event, it was very overwhelming for Teagan and she spent most of the evening in her room playing on her own.Now she is engaging the other kids and the parents, bringing us items to look at or play with, watching what the other kids are doing, and staying with the group.She will be three in about a month and is transitioning from in home services to the school district, so I am eager to see how the transition happens. Also during the time we have known them, Teagan now has a baby brother who is about 9 or 10 months old now. This is Cora a new friend of ours. She is also a sweety and her mom Sue is so much fun to chat with.Cora is about two and a half, and through chatting with her mom we learned that Holly and Cora have the same PT, Kristen.In fact, Kristan goes to see Cora just after she leaves our place on Wednesday. It is amazing what a small world it is.At this particular play date it was just after we started the Swim and Gym program, so I told Sue about it, for Cora.She was so on top of it and not two weeks later, joined us in the program. So now we are lucky enough to see Cora and her mom once a week.Cora has an older sister Payton who is very sweet. I think she is about 5 and in school now. She is such a big girl, but very good with the little ones.Here Holly is hanging out on a little wagon, She loves climbing into these and getting pulled around.On this particular day the group was small, but it was kinda of nice, we all got a chance to talk as a group and it wasn't too crowded.Here Holly is playing with some Rhythm sticks, though it looks more like rolling around on the floor.The food was really delicious, there was a lot of really yummy cheese, Holly got to try a few new types.We had them with Cracker's, bread, and Apple. There was also some Salami which was really yummy too, and Mommy enjoyed.Here Holly is cooking up a meal of her own, playing in Teagan's kitchen, pulling all the food out of the cabinets.I don't really drink wine, I am more of a mixed drinks kind of girl, so as designated driver, Joel got to partake in a few glasses of different wines.Another really fun thing about this event, is that you get to try all the different kinds.Here are the kids playing with Rhonda, and there is Little Rowan, awake and playing. You can see Holly checking him out.There is Payton, Cora's older sister. She is so cute. She brought her homework with her, and then after she finished played with the girls.Here is Sue, her Mom with Cora. She is so much fun, and it has been really nice getting a chance to get to know her better through swim and gym.Here is Katherine, Chloe's mom talking a picture of Teagan, so sweet.And here is Teagan hanging out with her Daddy, Ryan. It is always fun to talk with Ryan, he is a journalist, and has so many interesting stories.Here is Holly playing dress up. She will try anything on like a bracelet of purse, and she is really into hats and necklaces.Here is miss Chloe playing with the music table. I love her little bow. Holly has started to wear them, because she likes them so much on Chloe.Speaking of dress up, here is Holly trying on Mr. Potato heads Glasses. She is such a goof ball!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holly looks so cute! I love her outfit! I always think Holly has so many toys, but her friends are pretty well equipped too!
love, Granny