A few weeks back, just when we thought the weather was turning warm, Holly met Sarah for a play date at the bay Street Mall. It ended up being chillier then we had planned.

And here we are weeks later, having planned all these outside play dates because we had a few sunny 80 degree days and it is back in the 50's, cold, wet, Rainy, it even hailed a few days back.

But on this night, we were just lasting out the last moments of sunlight and play outside in the fresh crisp air. it was before Daylight savings, so it was still getting dark by 6:00.

Dusk was beautiful and the girls had so much fun playing chase, not only with each other but also with the pigeon's. The birds were smarter then we realized they were.

The birds almost taunted them. They would land just out of reach and the moment the girls approached they would hop a few feet away, egging them on to pursue. Bit by Bit.

We had a lot of fun on this day. it is wonderful to see the bond between Holly and her friends grow, the joy and excitement each girl expresses when they reunite for another play date.

We have been lucky to see a lot of Sarah and Chloe these past few weeks, and have been better for it. We will miss Sarah as she leave for a short vacation this weekend to visit her Aunts, uncles, Cousins, and grandparents. She will be away for about a week.

We however have a very busy schedule. Mommy is very tired, and everyone keeps telling me to stop pushing myself and that I don;t have to stay so busy.

But the thing is, it is as much work to stay home with holly as it is to take her out, perhaps mentally more, because I have the illusion that I might get some rest, but I never really do.

She is starting to be a handful. Climbing everywhere, on chairs, up to the table, on the entertainment center, the other day she was quiet not even 2 minutes, Joel was in the bathroom, and I was on the computer.

She was playing in the kitchen, a few seconds earlier I heard the sizzle from her toy oven, but something said I should go and check on her. I head to the kitchen and she had opened the Dish Washer.

She climbed onto the inside of the open lid, was sitting cross legged and had pulled out the dish tray. She was then stacking and unstacking the glasses that were inside.

So, no staying at home is not really easier then taking Holly out. What truly has been making it more difficult is that I am no longer getting my mid afternoon break three days a week.

I started a new monitored exercise program through my health insurance, which has been really good for me. I get to work out with Nurses and an exercise specialist who monitor my work and progress each session.

Since I have exercise induced asthma and increased heart rate, this makes it feel really safe for me, and gives me the opportunity to have a personal trainer for about 12 weeks.

Its an hour, three times a week, a warm up, 30 minutes of Aerobic Cardio Activity (I do a treadmill, nustep, and reclined cycle) then a cool down, sometimes we do hand weights, other day's yoga stretches.

One day a week we do a class, so my session is about 30 minutes longer, and I have to be there 15 minutes early to set up monitoring. So my day goes, like this.

Holly Therapy, Feeding, Run, Run Run, Put her down for a nap and run out the door. Do my program, get home, and usually withing 10 minutes of sitting down, Holly is awake and ready to go go go.

Its been wonderful for Kat to be bay sitting for me during this time, and she usually helps us out by cleaning, washing bottles, picking up toys, running laundry, which is such a huge help.

But I had come to depend on that 2 hours to make phone calls, do paperwork, call Doctor's, therapists, check emails, and sit and get a break, eat some lunch, ect. Without that break, come 7:00 PM I am running on fumes.

Besides the fact that I come home sometimes sore, other time tired from the work out. Today, i actually was running slow but doing Ok, and pushed through, had a little break in the car while Holly slept between play dates.

But tonight I am hurting, my legs are sore. anyway, enough complaining, the program is really good for me, and I am making a lot of progress, when i started I was working at 2.2 mets and now I am at 4.7 and that is in less then 1 month.

OK Well back to the playdate pictured her with Sarah. Once the sun went down, we still had a bit of time to kill until the daddies got off of work, so we headed into the bookstore.

Here my little bundle of Joy is making a huge yawn, by the end of the day she is pretty tired. I always think she will fall fast asleep, but then before we know it she gets home, and is bouncing off the walls all happy to see daddy and be back home.

Before we know it, its after ten and we are rushing to get her into bed! We really like this Barnes and Nobles, the kids section is great, and Holly had a wonderful time playing with Sarah.

1 comment:
GReat pictures! Who would've thought pigeons could be so much fun!
Vicki you sound so stressed. Maybe a preschool one or two days a week would be good for both of you.
I'm so glad you are doing the exercise program! Your health is the most important thing!
Love, Granny
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