Holly's Granny and Nana came to visit the weekend before Holly's Birthday.

We invited them to come and play over at Chloe's house.

Rowan was there, he is Teagan's little brother.

Madelyn and Tristan also joined us, whom we hadn't seen for a while.

Sarah brought Manny, her favorite bear to play with her friends.

Granny and Nana were so excited to attend the playdate.

They got to see Holly's Friends first hand, which brought previous blog posts to life.

Here are Noah and his mom April, new friends of ours.

Holly is climbing and looking out the window by Nana.

She is such a little trouble maker.

The girls even climb on the book case.

They know they aren't supposed to, but can't help themselves.

Here the happy baby is going down the slide with a little nudge from Nana.

Here is our hostess having a little snack.

Holly is seems has decided to snack on Chloe's foam blocks.

But Nana and Granny coax the girls into listening to a story.

They sat still, if only for a moment until they were off to the next thing.

Our hostess is such a little sweetie, she is getting to be good at sharing now.

Sometimes she doesn't want to, but surprisingly, she almost never has a dispute with Holly.

Here Holly is taking a little break to have a yogurt juice, Yum.

Sitting at the window, the girls discovered that there was a rainbow outside.

It was so very beautiful, especially after a cold and rainy morning.

The problem now is, that every playdate the girls climb up tot he window to look outside.

Chloe, sits and says, "Rainbow? Rainbow?"

She hasn't seen another yet, but when one appears she will be ready.

And then of course Sarah put on the Red Bucket Hat, classic playdate move!

Holly is hiding out under the play structure, Roaring here,

Later the girls take turns climbing into the book bin, they love to dump it out and climb in.

I think Holly has tried to get inside the play Kitchen before, She will try to climb or get into anything.

Here is granny hanging out with Sarah and the Sesame Street Playhouse.

Holly actually really likes this toy even though she doesn't really know the characters.

I think she likes all of the little windows and door to play with

Once the playdate begins to die down and the younger boys head home, the girls make a break for it.

They head into Chloe's room for some puzzles and mischief!

In this case it is Block building and throwing. Holly is in such a bad habit of throwing puzzle pieces now.

Granny then helps her take a ride on Chloe's horsey.

Playing in Chloe's room is like the after party, first they run up and down the hallway for several minutes.

And eventually they end up in here, plotting there next move! We had a lot of fun with Granny visiting Chloe, and everyone was excited to meet them!
1 comment:
Your pictures and words really capture that fun day. The rainbow photo came out really well! It was fun to do a Holly playdate!
Love, Granny
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