Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Holly's Big Girl Bed

This is Holly's new big girl bed.  We got it from Ikea on Sunday.  After several hours of assembly and a late night it was out together and she was eager to try it out.  It was after 11:00 so she fell right asleep and amazingly she slept through the whole night.  The first night/morning she was still getting used to the ladder and called us to help her down.  But I was do proud of her for sleeping the whole night in her new bed.  

Eventually we realized it didn't fit quite nicely where the old bed was as even though we could open the mirror door to her cloths it wasn't 100% so we couldn't pull out the drawers.  We decided to rotate it.  Set up her toys all underneath and on night two after a exhausting day she fell asleep by 7:45 and only woke up once around 12:30am called me and then fell immediately back to sleep.

The next morning she woke up at 7:00, got up, went potty, got dressed, watched TV, played, and didn't make daddy get out if bed until almost 9:00 when she got hungry.

Tonight Daddy put her to bed at 7:30ish but she was stalling, read a story, went potty, had to hug mommy, and I knew it was gonna be trouble so I told her I missed her and wanted to put her to bed.  It was hot and she was using a cuddly but super warm fleece blanket so when she told me she liked my bed I told her maybe its cuz my bed has a soft sheet (which she didn't want to use the last two nights) and that her blanket was too hot after a long day in the sun.  So I gave her my sheet tucked her in and with the lights out made up and told her a story.

It was about mermaid Holly and baby mermaid papaya swimming in dreamland and playing together.  But then when baby papaya is too tired to play and falls asleep Mermaid Holly wakes up and realizes she is in her soft bed and sees her mommy so she happily falls back asleep.  At this point she has me close the tent, turns over and I sit in the chair as the falls asleep.  

My trick is breathing loudly but very slow and rhythmically.  In about 5 minutes her breathing matches mine and I can tell she is relaxed in another 5 she is asleep.

So here is to night three in her big girl bed!  May she sleep through the night!

I will say, I do miss her a little bit, but I'm almost 6 months pregnant and I'm a bear to sleep with I've got like three different pillows tucked here and there and having almost a whole bed to myself has been glorious!

1 comment:

Granny said...

WOW! That's a big step. What a big girl she is! And good to be ready before baby papaya gets here!