I received this award from Beth @ Fragile What!? http://fragilex.wordpress.com/
This Blog Measures Up Award
This award is for any blog that truly ‘measures up’.
1. Say one nice thing to a man in your life.
Only one… For the guy who wakes up with the baby every morning so I can sleep a few extra minutes… hours, who rocks her to sleep every night because he knows my day was long and I need a break, who cooks me dinner after he has had a long day at work. Who is the best Daddy and Husband a girl could ever ask for, who is infinitely patient with me when I am irritable, crabby, or blah, and always so goofily enthusiastic over the little things that make him him.. It is too hard to say just one nice thing to him. Yet I will simply say I love you and hope he knows that I am thinking all the rest, and I know he does because he is that good.
2. List at least six ways that you measure success in your life (or for your blog).
This is too hard.. My life is upside down, and now that I am a stay at home Mommy I am not sure how I measure anything, my priorities have so shifted I am still finding my way, But I can tell you how I no longer measure Success.
1. The Salary I make
2. The Degrees hanging on my wall
3. The Promotions I have been given
4. The size of my house
5. How much vacation time I have
6. The car that I drive
2. The Degrees hanging on my wall
3. The Promotions I have been given
4. The size of my house
5. How much vacation time I have
6. The car that I drive
That is not to say I was so materialistic before having a child and quiting my job, and that is not to say I don’t think School and Career are still very important in life and that they can bring you meaning, it is simply to say that these are things I measured my life with over the past ten years and now I am writing a new chapter and need new measuring tools.
1. How many times Holly has smiled at me today
2. How often have I told my loved ones that I love them
I will start with these and see where I get to from there.
2. How often have I told my loved ones that I love them
I will start with these and see where I get to from there.
3. Assign this award to six other blogs and leave them a comment telling the blogger that you’ve assigned them this award.
Nathan’s Mom @ All about Potential http://allaboutpotential.wordpress.com/
Because she has a really tough week coming up, and over the past month has gone through a lot of profound stuff that really spoke to me. So I thought she should know that she really measure’s up.
Sarah & Zak @ Love and Survival with Fragile X http://loveandsurvivalwithfragilex.blogspot.com/
Because they have a knack of talking about the really tough stuff, this blog can be a little philosophical and for that is very different from mine. It makes me think, they are very on-point, no beating around the bush. Plus they are very cool people that I got to meet in person, and Quinn is adorable. They certainly Measure Up.
Michelle @ and then there were two http://2under2whoknew.blogspot.com/
Because she is one crazy Mama who is always making me laugh, and because she finished NaBloPoMo even without a computer most of November, her Blog Definitely measure’s Up.
Erika @ the other lion http://theotherlion.blogspot.com/
Because I love hearing about Punkin’s adventures and Erika is raising her little one on her own which simply amazes me, her writing style is unique and she is an awesome Mommy and even finds time to post on her blog, so she definitely Measure’s Up.
Josephine @ Fragile X-traordinary http://fragilenotbrokenfamily.blogspot.com/
Because her little pup was the second Baby to do Dr. Hagerman’s Minocycline Trial so we had a chance to chat and get to know each other, I love reading her updates when she has time to post.
C’s Mama @What We Need http://asdmommy.wordpress.com/
Because her C’isms are simply awesome, and so many of her posts provide such useful information and insight, she is an awesome Mommy and Measure’s Up.

Hey, thanks! And I really like how you said, "I am writing a new chapter and need new measuring tools." This is totally true for me, too, even though I am still working - my priorities are shifting all around and I'm really glad about that!
Congrats on the bling!
I love your pictures, so cute. Your little girl is just precious. I wanna cuddle her!
Thanks! Can I attack your baby's cheeks now? OMG!
Well, shucks, thanks! What a nice award!
I too like your need for "new measuring tools." I think that's a great way to put it. :-)
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