So our first day in Oma-ville was very exciting. Oma wanted to show us everything, and well.. There was so much to see. About 50 new outfits we had to go through and see if they would fit her, if there were any I didn’t want to keep ect. Then there were the toys.. oh so many toys, everything from rattles to sorters to books to talking frogs and caterpillars. Many of the toys developmentally were really 3 and up and while Holly was happy to chew on them, she won’t get the whole value for a while.
I did however really like all of the toys and clothes. My mom did really well. We also have a swing and an exersaucer so she is more then set for the week. The toys were all in a really cute ladybug bin. Some of the toys I particularly liked were this stacking tub with 4 translucent stars. When you pull a star on or off it lights up and makes a noise. This makes it a lot of fun to pull on and off. There is also this really cool toy that I think Joel will like that is a sphere that gets small and then expands really large. It was fun too, but too old for Holly to play with just yet. Most of the stuff my mom found at garage sales and on craigslist so she got great deals.
We also looked at the trains, it was just a mini preview but the room is amazing in person. My dad has an entire train room, with an old west level and a basement subway level. The detail is incredible, and although I have seen it in pictures it is a bit overwhelming in person, everywhere you look there are a hundred things you could be looking at. There was this cute little boy on a tree swing which was adorable and he swung back and forth.
Speaking of swings my parents got Holly a tree swing for their backyard. It was rainy and wet the day we arrived so she hasn’t used it yet but I am so excited about using it later in the week.
So after seeing everything I tried to unpack a little bit and settle in, gave my parents their gifts got the bottles out and cloths organized. Their house was beautifully decorated with Christmas decorations, it looked like you were walking under the tree and with the rain it looked like the snowflakes were melting icicles.

So that was our first day.
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