So we had a very busy two days. On Monday we had our session with Katie. She was here about 2 hours working with Holly. Holly was very cranky because of her teeth coming in, but she was a trooper. She wanted to walk around a lot and did a lot of climbing. We played on the ball and the bolster to get her to extend her head back and stretch. She has been really resisting her naps lately, her sleeping schedule is all off kilter, both Sunday and Monday night she woke up like 3-4 times crying, but it lasted only a few minutes just a rock and a pacifier and she fell back asleep, she even went to bed early like 9:30 but because she didn’t sleep very restfully she slept in really late, waking up at 10:00 ish both mornings, this of course messes up her nap schedule.

I tried to get her to sleep before Katie arrived, but it was like 12:00 when she fell asleep and then Katie knocking on the door woke her at 12:30 so it wasn’t much of a nap, but the thing that got me, was when Katie left about 2:15 Holly was really tired, but didn’t want to take a nap, so I fed her the last of the Squash and some Banana Orange Medley Which she liked a lot. Then I let her play. She still wasn’t tired and she stayed awake until like 6:30 at which time she fell asleep, but again only about 45 minutes and woke up just after Joel got home. So two very short naps. She fell back asleep by 9:30, but then woke every 2 hours crying.

We had a lot of fun playing though, and I am starting to wonder if she is merging into a 1 nap a day girl, because her second nap is starting to be very late in the day, but she is still a little young for that. On Tuesday her napping wasn’t any better. She didn’t wake up until after ten and we had plans to go on a play date with Miriam and Isaac and their mom Marylee after Holly’s nap, around 1:00 ish so I tried to put her down at 11:30, but come 1:00 she still hadn’t fallen asleep even thought she had been chilling quietly for 90 minutes, so I figured OK, no nap, but then as soon as we get into the car she fell asleep, so when we arrived at Marylee’s house I brought her in with the car seat but she woke up in like 5 minutes, so that nap was only about 30 minutes.

She had a great time playing with Miriam and Isaac, She didn’t interact with Isaac much but she did laugh and smile at him a little bit, but then he took a nap and slept about 2 hours. Miriam however never took her nap because Holly was over and she played with Holly. Miriam was a little possessive of Isaac’s toys and would take them from Holly when she tried to pick them up and play with them, but when her mom told her to give Holly a turn she would give them back, as she got more sleepy from missing her nap she got more possessive.
Miriam had a tent and play tunnel system set up which was so very cool. Holly was hesitant at first and sat by the entrance but before I knew it she had crawled down the tube and was inside playing with Miriam.

Miriam likes babies, so much so that she wants them to sit on her lap and she wants to hug them a lot. Holly tolerated her pretty well, except when she got hungry and sleepy. Holly does like to more around a lot though, so when Miriam was hugging her she would get fussy and try and escape, it was quite cute. I do think she had fun though. Miriam had a new horsey and train that she could rock on and ride and her Dolly. She was very possessive of those, and if Holly tried to crawl near them she would run over and hop onto them, so I had to watch her like a hawk to make sure her little fingers didn’t get caught underneath. She liked the new texture of the carpet to crawl on, and Marylee’s couches were easier for her to pull up on and cruise, which she is sorta doing now. I am not sure when you call it officially cruising, after she stands, or takes two steps or 3, or when she can transfer from one piece of furniture to another, but she can take 3 or so sideways steps holding on, at least on this couch she could, it was the perfect height and had easy holds for her, unlike our couch which is a little tall with slipper hard wood floors.

We left around 6:00 and she fell asleep on the way home. We picked up Daddy and she played some more. While we were at Marylee’s we tried out Isaac’s Highchair, I wish I had gotten a picture of that. She ate some more Banana Orange medley. Isaac usually just eats in his momma’s lap, and he did great, he ate an entire container of Squash in the time it took Holly to have 3-4 bites. Marylee said it is because she doesn’t let him play with the spoons while he is eating, but I explained that when holly first started eating Baby food she wanted to be in control and she kept grabbing the spoon out of my hand and trying to feed herself, or at least chew on the spoon.

She would fling food everywhere and if I didn’t give her another spoon to chew on and the false sense of control it used to take me three times longer to feed her. She said Miriam was like that, wanting to be in control so she understood. But I guess at some point I am going to actually let Holly try and feed herself, and it will make a mess so I will have to get used to it, but surprisingly, even though it took much longer to feed her then Isaac, she was showing off and ate the entire container and was opening up for the bites and doing really well. So the High Chair was a success.
Tonight during Holly’s bath we experimented and let her lounge forward reaching for her rubber ducky and she got her face wet. She didn’t quite get that there was an air / water barrier and would go right through it, with her mouth and nose under water.

She didn’t mind it at all though and a few times she tried to sip the water. Once it got up her nose and she coughed so we picked her up and lifted her arm like they teach us in swim class so the water goes down and is swallowed. She was a little shaken, but happy to get back in and play some more. She however did something new and that is splash.. So she has now officially grown out of using the kitchen for her bath’s as once she got the hang of splashing she made a mess and splashed everywhere. It has been like 5 weeks since we have went to swim class but there is a class this Friday and I can’t wait to take her and see if she splashes is the pool, I am excited. So next bath will have to be in the tub. (We will probably use her baby tub though, inside the big tub)
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