Thursday, April 18, 2013

Chinese New Year's Parade @ Franklin - Video's

Holly's School had a really awesome Chinese new year's Celebration.  All of the kids dressed in there best Chinese outfits and after spending all week creating an awesome Dragon, they were able to march around school in the parade.  Holly started off leading the parade with her Fan and friend.  Two of the six classes had dragons, the other two sat in audience playing drums and shakers and danced as other's marched.  Later Holly had a turn to be the dragon head, it was cute.  She kept walking ahead and getting to far from her dragon group.  Later when one of the kids in lead stopped too soon, the body and tale all ran into her and they stumbled.  It was a load of fun, the kids were excited and proud of themselves.  Afterwards we had a fun potluck, the kids ate lunch outside, it was a great celebration.

Happy Chinese New Year

Leading the Parade

Chinese New Year Celebration

Chinese New Years - More Marching

Chinese New Year - Dragon Holly

Chinese New Year - Dragon Crash

Chinese New Year Dragon Dance

Chinese New Year

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