Sunday, September 9, 2012

Lawrence Hall of Science

Here we are at Lawrence hall of Science up in the Berkeley Hills.  Our friends Kaylee and Mira were heading over there for a play date and we were invited.  We always like to include the grandparents in our regular lives when they visit and stick with the routine somewhat, I feel like they enjoy seeing what Holly's life is like and meeting friends.  So while something are not the norm, spending a day at the science center is exactly that kind of thing.  It is adorable to watch Holly interact with her friends and fun too to play with her at such a fun place.  Holly's favorite area of course the water outside.  A new exhibit they had this visit was on skateboarding and that was fun too.  Granny and Nana had a wonderful visit with us, but always 4 days is short.  We packed in a lot of fun, but there are always more fun things to do.  So we look forward to the next visit this fall.

1 comment:

Granny said...

Holly is lucky to live where she has access to all these great places, and lucky to have a Mom who loves to take her to them! And Granny and Nana are lucky to be able to go along! It was a really fun experience.