So last night was pretty bad, Holly originally went to bed at like 9:30 but then was up again at 10:00 until almost midnight, then she woke up again at 2:00 and again at 6:00. Since we hoped she would have therapy today Joel did eventually wake her at around 8:30 but she was sick and still had a fever. So I called Katie to let her know she had a fever, but no other symptoms and asked if she would see her or not.
In the mean time I called the Advice Nurse at the pediatrician's office and spoke with them. They ended up wanting to see Holly today because they thought it could be a viral infection going to her ears, and wanted to rule out any ear issues.
So before I knew it I had a little over an hour to drive all the way to Orinda, ok, not that far, but like 20-30 minutes away, and see the Doctor. So I called Katie back, told her we would be cancelling and headed to the Doctor.
That morning Holly threw up, Joel gave her a four ounce bottle with Motrin and after drinking about 2 ounces she vomited. Eventually I was able to give her the second two ounces.
By the time we got to the Doctor she was feeling a little better, but her temperature was still around 99.7 The Doctor looked at Holly's ears and said they were fine, so in the end, she didn't really know what was wrong with her. She suggested that it might be
Roseola but wasn't sure.
So basically I am to sit and wait and see if she suddenly gets a rash, if not and she does still have a fever in a few days then I pay another 20$ to have her ears checked again in a few days.

So I decided after leaving the Doctor to head to the super market and get some Baby Yogurt, we were out and that's really all Holly will eat when she is sick, and she hasn't really been drinking much either. She had fallen asleep on the way to the doctor, so I was hoping she would fall asleep going to the store. She had only had a 1/2 bottle and some yogurt and was getting cranky so I gave her another small bottle in the car, but she never fell asleep.
So I arrived at the store and had to items to return, but realized that perhaps Holly wasn't sleepy because she made a big messy diaper. It was terrible, it was all over the place, she even some how managed to get it on her check, on the diaper lining, and even the diaper itself. I don't think I have ever had to clean up such a mess before.
Then we went to get my refund but the store said that since Joel used his card I could only do an exchange and I had to first shop for my items. We were shopping and then next thing I know while trying to pick out some baby foods, Holly simply vomits. She gets it all over her pants, jacket, shirt, floor, and shopping cart. I had to grab wipes, and clean off her hands before she put them on her face and in her hair, and I had to get her cloths off her without making more of a mess.
Eventually I got out of the store, Holly cleaned and she did take a nap. But she was cranky most of the rest of the day. later i checked her fever after another 1/2 dose of Motrin and it was about 101 But tonight it didn't seem to high, so we decided to wait to give her more Motrin in case she woke in the middle of the night.
I fed her some more yogurt and even some guava Gerber level 2 fruits. It was the night of our parenting class and I ended up having to go by myself, Holly was too fussy to take along, so Joel stayed home with her. They had lots of fun though.
In the end, it wasn't "that" miserable, but it certainly didn't start of so well. Tomorrow is a better day, lets hope that the fever is gone and there is no rash... one can hope right!
OK... So lastly, I mentioned a bit ago that Holly has been standing independantly when she is in the tub. I tried really hard to get a picture of it, but wasn't able to, but here she is mid squat, it will have to do for now, I didn;t have any other exciting pictures to share.