So we don't go to McDonald's a lot. it's not never, but we do go a few times a month. They make it really hard to resit however when they do things like build this incredible playroom inside. The other day we saw one out of town off the highway where the play area was outside and the slide and climbing tubes went onto the room of the restaurant. It was kind of crazy. The McDonald's in our neighborhood does not have this. But a while back we were driving to Fremont to visit a friend. We ended up being almost an hour early around lunch time and just around the corner from her house was this McDonald's.
Now this is the real reason I am posting about this. Last time we went we were with Joel and driving home from LA. Holly got stuck up the top, she was too afraid to go down the slide and Joel had to climb up to help her down. He does not like places like this for that very reason, but I parent in the style of letting her get herself stuck in sticky situations. She will either figure it out, or I will get a big kid to help her, or I will help her. But that's how she learns what her limits are. I have been lucky with this philosophy as so far it has not scarred her and she is still as adventuresome as ever. That's not to say she isn't cautious, she is sometimes, but often her eyes and impulse is a bit larger then her ability and she needs a little help.
On this day however, she ran into the playroom on her own while I was in line ordering some Chicken Nuggets. She took off her shoes and put them in a cubby, she tried to make friends with two little girls who were playing, it turns out that neither spoke English, at least not with there parents so that might have been why they didn't respond to her. But it didn't discourage her. She climbed up to the top to the play structure went down the slide and repeated this several times before I even got into the room. When I came back with the food she ran over, gave me a big hug and then said, "Watch Me Mommy" and then ran up and waved from the window at the top of the structure. She even didn't mind when the kids piled up at the bottom of the slide crashing into each other, she thought it was fun.
it was a nice lunch, Holly played, I checked email on my phone and watched her while snacking on nuggets and when the time came she was ready to go and we headed to our friends house. I however was not only a proud Mama, but in awe of what a big girl she is becoming.
Simon’s 2019 Funnies
5 years ago
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