This year Halloween fell on a Monday, that meant there were lots of parties

The School Parade Began on Friday and over the weekend we had two parties

Then we went Trick or Treating on Monday.

Our First party was with the Oakland Mom's Group

And we all dressed up as Pirates

Over the Years I have come to realize Halloween is perhaps my favorite Holiday

Here is our host Spider man

Crawling up the walls!

We love spending time at Berrin, Will, Theo and Throy's house

I was really proud of Holly for keeping her costume on for so long

She was having some sensory issues with the material and long sleeves

But she was having a really fun time with the sword fighting

This cute Kitty Cat is Olivia

I managed to make a deal with Holly that she would leave the costume on until Chloe showed up

Here is another Pirate, Little Miss Maya

and we have a second Spider man Throy,

Here are some "new" again parent's chatting, baby Lila and Tristan

Some of our group's newest additions. This Dinosaur is Rowan

and his big sister Teagan is dressed as Hermione from Harry Potter

Another new group member baby Caitlin and her Mama, Tyler's little sister

Tyler is dressed as a boxer, it was a very original costume, and comfortable

It had been a while since so many of the group members have gotten together

So it was wonderful to see everyone

Here Holly was playing with a Lobster, scaring everyone

Before long Holly decided she wanted a costume change

Here she is as Tinkerbell. Mommy comes prepared

Sara had a really cool costume as a Knight

It was super shiny

Chloe was dressed as Megara from Hercules

I love this picture of the sleeping princess Ballerina

Here is the wonderful food we all shared during the party, so many treats

This was our first time meeting Baby Tristan, he is Rowan and Teagan's baby Brother

Here is Boxer Tyler playing with some trucks

This is Robin, he is a transformer

Here is Angelina and Amelia a Hula Dancer and Witch

This is Baby Dylan, already growing about a month old here

Holly is hanging out with "Uncle Eric" in the ball pit

The kids all have a fabulous time tackling him

Here is Sachi a beautiful White Tiger

The girls had a wonderful time jumping on the trampoline

The party was a great time. Thank you everyone for sharing Halloween with us.

Tomorrow we have another Party and another costume! Can't wait.
1 comment:
I love the Pirate Family portrait! So adorable! Looks like a very fun party. I love spiderman climbing the walls!
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