The other day we went out to lunch

Holly has been really good at that lately

We went to a little crepe place

and outside a band was playing Christmas Music

Holly danced and listened and had fun

Then on our way home we had a great surprise


Interestingly enough we went last year as a planned activity

It was way colder then, I remember freezing... But

I also remember the snow being all melted and mostly slush

Yet this year although we arrived as they were packing up for the day

The snow was still firm and packed. Perfect for Snowballs

It was great we had her rain boots in the car, they were wonderful foot protection

and other then her hands freezing it wasn't cold enough for the rest of her to mind

I had on flip flops with no socks, so Daddy had snow duty

Holly got him several times.

I also had a little cup in the car she used for digging which helped her fingers a little bit

This year its hard to feel like Christmas because it is so not cold yet

There isn't even snow in Tahoe or Reno yet.

So this was a super treat

After the Surprise so we headed out to find a Christmas Tree

That was fun, trying to wander through the rows of trees while Holly was running ahead

Looking for the perfect one. We found it and headed home to decorate
1 comment:
OH she looks so cute in her Christmas dress that her Granny made for her! Finally I made one that fits! And SNOW! How lucky is that!
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