Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Little More Christmas Eve

Here we are on Christmas Eve Skyping with Oma. Holly was super excited to see everyone in Florida, especially PyPy
Later in the afternoon it is time to bake some cookies for Santa, Holly had been waiting all week
The first step was the butter
Daddy then lead her through the process step by step
Flour, Sugar, Eggs
We made delicious Chocolate Chip Cookies
Then some Chocolate milk and a letter to Santa and we were good to go!@

Playdate with Sara

Here we are at the newly designed Barnes and Nobles
They got rid of there entire Movie and Music section and now have all these toys
The girls have a great time playing and it is a fun place to go without worrying about a mess
Though it is at times hard to come home empty handed, I suppose that is there plan
Here we are on another day playing over at Sara's house.

Book Club with Madelyn

Here we are playing at Madelyn's house. We are here for Book Club
This month the book was about meditation for kids. it was pretty interesting though I admit I only got through about half
It wasn't the greatest read because i felt like everything they talked about was things I already do with Holly to help her deal with Anxiety. i guess at least I know I am on the right path, though as she gets older I do think maybe we will work on more formal meditation, not that I know what that looks like.

Lunch with Lucian

Friday, December 30, 2011

Costco Castle

Sometimes it is just fun to go shopping so Holly can play with the toys. Here we are at Costco and she discovered this cool Pink Castle.
She is getting to be so sophisticated, she had the prince and princess dance, she decided they would have a camp out on the roof, then she had the knight riding the horse I loved watching her.
She even decided that she was going to dress-up. She was a little bratty at the end because she wanted to bring the pink dress home, but we have several and she didn't need it and I told her no. it was part of a larger set. But its fun that she is at that age now that she tries to negotiate and manipulate :-)

The Many Phases of Cinderella

Holly recently rediscovered this Costume, it was something I bought like two years ago on sale after Halloween, it was like a Milk Maid type outfit, so very cute.
Well Holly decided to re-appropriate it and it has become Cinderella's work outfit. So now when we watch the movie she has four costume changes, this is how she starts, then its the pink dress, the blue ball gown, and finally the wedding dress. its all very cute.

Head Over Heels