Alas I am finally posting pictures from Eli's Birthday party. His Birthday was actually on Easter.

However it ended up getting rained out and the rescheduled party was in late May.

It fell on the weekend that Joel was out of town and my mom was visiting to help out.

So Tanta Kat and Oma both were able to attend the party with us.

The party was held at Lincoln Park in Alameda, one we don't go to often but really enjoy.

Here is the Birthday boy with Mila our friend who moved over to the City.

Even though it was late May it was a very cool day out, the weather has been weird, such a late summer.

This park is particularly shaded as well, which is nice on a hot day.

This bridge is really great PT for Holly we have come to this park with Kristen before.

It was fun to have my mom visiting on this weekend, and nice for her to get to see all of Holly's Friends again.

it is amazing how fast they all grow up. back when these photo's were taken Holly wasn't really talking at all yet.

It was great to have Tanta Kat with us, she ran around chasing Holly and climbing on the play structure with her.

I love the little jacket that Eli is wearing, it is so pretty.

Holly enjoyed playing on the structure while we were waiting for the party to get started.

We miss Mila as we don't see her in Music class or at play dates now that she is over the bridge.

She is so cute in her little shorts we all wanted it to be summer, but it wasn't.

She still doesn't really like tube slides - well, strike I take that back. She wants to like them.

But most of the time they are too scary for her to do. On occasion with persuasion she will go down them.

Here is our friend LeeLou, who found her way over the the playground.

Holly found the big girl swings, she at the time was still just learning how to sit in them and hold on.

Now I am not sure where these "sand" toys came from. But Holly enjoyed filling them with wood chips.

The chips didn't actually fall through the straining wheel like they should but Holly was happy to dump them.

Its funny the things kids will find and play with, I never know what will catch her eye.

But before long she was off onto the next adventure, with a little help from her Tanta she was happy to slide down this big twister.

The kids were so adorable hanging around on the steps playing.

Taking a break I guess from all of the running around.

Tanta came by to check in and see how everyone was doing.

And now it was time to start the festivities. Since Eli's originally Birthday was on Easter and planned for then.

There was to be an Egg hunt. So the kids all had there own Egg hunt in the park in May.

What a fun idea that is. Surprisingly, in just about 6 weeks Holly already had a better concept of "finding" eggs.

She needed a lot of help with the finding part, but once she saw them she ran over to collect.

What a face!

The kids all had a blast with the hunt, just like pros.

Here is LeeLou with her loot.

Mira is having a snack, If I recall correctly there were some hidden inside.

Holly loved opening up all of the eggs, I think her favorite part.

The kids did a really good job of sharing eggs too.

Less popular was snatching someones basket, but there was plenty to go around.

Instead of a big cake we had yummy cupcakes, these were such a hit.

Here we are all singing Happy Birthday to Eli. After so many summer Birthday's, Holly is a pro.

She gets the singing and that you blow the candles. Though perhaps not that they aren't her candles to blow.

She isn't the biggest fan of any cake really. On this day she only wanted to eat the sprinkled candies on top.

Eli was a fan of the Chocolate, he devoured his cupcake.

Holly liked the Chocolate more then the Vanilla, so she had a few bites of Mommies cupcake.

Near the end, we all sang songs together. Eli's dad played guitar.

The kids all loved that. Most of them we know from Music Class.

Here are LeeLou and Holly dancing away to the music.

Holly was so curious about the guitar, she was ready to strum it herself.

I love that Mischevious look on her face, not sure if it is ok to "help" or not.

Eli's dad was so cute, he knew a lot of really neat songs, but not many of the generic kids ones, but once we all started singing, he figured out a tune to accompany.

It was a really fun party on a really nice day and everyone had a lovely time.

When Scot, Eli's dad was done playing all Holly could do was ask for "More, More"

I love this little face Mira is making, such a cutie. Not a fan of the dancing bunny I guess.

It was nice to see all of our friends, many whom we miss as we see them only rarely.

The afternoon was drawing to an end and it was getting cooler out.

I wish I had more pictures of everyone, here are Beck and Brendan milling about.

And Holly changed into a warmer sweater playing just one last time before we head home.
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